The Vietnam War was, and probably still IS, the most un-popular conflict the United States has ever engaged in. This un-popularity is like a CURSE that is STILL being cast, and haunts most of the servicemen that served during that era.
Falsely accused of being "Women and Baby-Killers" as well as being referred to as POTHEADS, these service personnel are DENIED most of the HONORS and ACCOLADES due to a war VETERAN. Rather, some of them are treated as "bums" or "scums", unfit to blend in with an INGRATE society. However, there are so many TRUE STORIES of TRIUMPHS, SACRIFICES and TRAGEDIES that NEED to be TOLD, with hopes that someday, in SOMEWAY, will help alter the negative opinion that still prevails at this present time.
A Veteran will NEVER accept the notion of "losing a war". This is the same with us, The Vietnam Veterans. Regardless WHAT the media and the public say about the Vietnam War, we, the VETERANS, will ALWAYS say otherwise.
The FACT that WE were the ones who did all the fighting and killing of the enemy, aren't WE the ones who can RIGHTFULLY SAY "Who WON?" and "Who LOST?" in that war?
Most of the references used in defining this war were events that happened during the gradual "pull-out" of the U.S. Forces up to the Fall of Saigon (April 30, 1969). So few were the events that took place during the '68 and '69 Tet Offensives, wherein the outcome of the war could have been reversed, or otherwise.
NOTHING was REMEMBERED nor considered that during this time, we, the U.S. Forces had the North Vietnamese Army and the Vietcong ON THE RUN.
NOTHING was said about how the enemy was "...running like DOGS with their tails BETWEEN their legs...".
NOTHING was said about how we, the U.S. Forces, were on the OFFENSIVE, and were SWEEPING the enemies out of the battlefield...
NOTHING was said that this offensive was "...headed TOWARDS Hanoi, to put an end to Ho Chi Minh's 'dream'..."
We, the U.S. Forces, had VICTORY IN OUR SIGHT!!! I can say this because GODDAMNIT, I WAS THERE.
However, for WHATEVER reason, this offensive was STOPPED in it's tracks. Swayed by "public opinion", the Commander-In-Chief had no other CHOICE but to give the order to STOP. And as always, a good soldier simply FOLLOWS THE ORDER GIVEN to it's last word, without hesitation or qualms.
BUT...whether it be VICTORY or DEFEAT, the soldier will bear the OUTCOME like a CURSE that will HAUNT him/her for the REST OF HIS LIFE. And THIS is the life of a Vietnam Veteran.
The Vietnam War was a LESSON LEARNED. Even the most powerful country of all has no chance of victory WITHOUT THE FULL SUPPORT of her CITIZENRY. However, this lesson seems to fade and slip out of memory somehow. If this trend continues, it is inevitable that the Vietnam debacle is AGAIN in the offing...
In closing, writing the "Unsung Heroes of Vietnam" was truly a CHALLENGE for me. After more or less 40 years, recollecting all the EVENTS that I've participated in, and everything that happened during my tour of Vietnam was excruciating, and at times, frustating. However, to think that all of our triumphs, sacrifices and the lives that were lost will be for naught, kept me going.
For whatever it's worth, I hope that this story will somehow create a POSITIVE attitude and ERASE some of the negative opinions bestowed upon us, the Vietnam Veterans.
Lastly, I am dedicating this story to the special breed of sailors that were once called "THE RIVER RATS".
With this, I am now ending this story...
Boat Commander PBR-142
River Section 532
South Vietnam '67-'69
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Safe...AT LAST!!!
That same afternoon, I was informed to have my "SEABAG" ready for a possible transfer the follwing day. I went to the boat basin to bid farewell to my old crew and friends, and wished them all good luck. That was the LAST time we saw each other.
The following day, an Army Gunship took me to Tan Son Nhut airbase in Saigon. And from there, took a bus ride to Camp Alpha for "Processing Out Of Country". It was about a week of processing, and on or about 08 April 1969 I was on a plane headed towards Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. The plane landed at Clark AFB around 2300 hours 08 April 1969. Soon as the tires hit the ground I said to myself "I'm safe AT LAST!"
The Air Force personnel was very courteous and accomodating. Could this be because of the "TWO STARS" on my collar device? As a Boat Captain and Patrol Officer, my collar device is a patch with 2 Stars above the Eagle. I figure, "Well, I'm just going to play with it." Hence, after a brief inspection of my seabag, the Air Force Inspector gave me a salute and said: "That's it, Sir. Do you need any assistance?"
My reply was "I'm so TIRED I need some rest. I need transportaion to Manila."
The inspector accompanied me to the terminal lobby and introduced me to a local driver. After we talked and agreed with the FEE, and CERTAIN conditions, we are on our way to Manila with my seabag in the backseat with me.
The news of "mugging" and "hold-ups" is prevalent outside the gate of Clark AFB. My Dad and I were once victims of this. Therefor, the condition I set was : NO STOPPING, NO PICK-UPS AFTER PASSING THE MAIN GATE." I don't want to take any chances particularly at night time. Everything was going with what was agreed upon. However as soon as we passed the main gate I noticed that the car made a quick right turn towards an alley. I asked the driver "Where are you GOING?" His reply (in TAGALOG) was : "I'm just going to pick up a friend."
With this, I pulled out a .22 Cal. Pistol out of my seabag, and placed the barrel at the back of his head and said: "STOP, or I'll BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF." The car came to a screeching halt. The driver tried to look back and said: "Is it a GUN?" My reply was: "Damn Right. Do you wanna FIND OUT?" The driver didn't day a word, so I say again: "Turn this car BACK to the MAIN ROAD, or you'll FIND OUT."
With this, the car turned back to the main road, and we're on our way to Manila without uttering a single word. We arrived at our place in Las Pinas around 4:00 A.M. 09 April 1969. My family was overjoyed to see their Vietnam Veteran home and alive. However, my Dad was chewing me out.
He kept saying: "You should have waited to travel in the morning! It's really very dangerous to travel at night." My reply was: "Well, I have a FRIEND with me."
My Dad's reply was: " WHAT friend?"
I replied: "Here." And showed him the .22 Cal. Pistol. I can still remember how his eyes POPPED upon seeing the gun. He yelled at me "You're CRAZY!!! That's a TOY gun!!!" All I could say was "Well, it did the job." Honestly, I was really joking with my Dad. He is the BEST mentor that I ever had, and seeing how he cares for me made this dangerous travel well worth it.
Meanwhile, my Mom overheard our conversation and started LAUGHING. Soon, my whole family started laughing.
With this, my Dad just shook his head and gave me a TIGHT HUG and said: "WELCOME HOME, SON."
NOW I know that I'm SAFE...AT LAST.
The following day, an Army Gunship took me to Tan Son Nhut airbase in Saigon. And from there, took a bus ride to Camp Alpha for "Processing Out Of Country". It was about a week of processing, and on or about 08 April 1969 I was on a plane headed towards Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. The plane landed at Clark AFB around 2300 hours 08 April 1969. Soon as the tires hit the ground I said to myself "I'm safe AT LAST!"
The Air Force personnel was very courteous and accomodating. Could this be because of the "TWO STARS" on my collar device? As a Boat Captain and Patrol Officer, my collar device is a patch with 2 Stars above the Eagle. I figure, "Well, I'm just going to play with it." Hence, after a brief inspection of my seabag, the Air Force Inspector gave me a salute and said: "That's it, Sir. Do you need any assistance?"
My reply was "I'm so TIRED I need some rest. I need transportaion to Manila."
The inspector accompanied me to the terminal lobby and introduced me to a local driver. After we talked and agreed with the FEE, and CERTAIN conditions, we are on our way to Manila with my seabag in the backseat with me.
The news of "mugging" and "hold-ups" is prevalent outside the gate of Clark AFB. My Dad and I were once victims of this. Therefor, the condition I set was : NO STOPPING, NO PICK-UPS AFTER PASSING THE MAIN GATE." I don't want to take any chances particularly at night time. Everything was going with what was agreed upon. However as soon as we passed the main gate I noticed that the car made a quick right turn towards an alley. I asked the driver "Where are you GOING?" His reply (in TAGALOG) was : "I'm just going to pick up a friend."
With this, I pulled out a .22 Cal. Pistol out of my seabag, and placed the barrel at the back of his head and said: "STOP, or I'll BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF." The car came to a screeching halt. The driver tried to look back and said: "Is it a GUN?" My reply was: "Damn Right. Do you wanna FIND OUT?" The driver didn't day a word, so I say again: "Turn this car BACK to the MAIN ROAD, or you'll FIND OUT."
With this, the car turned back to the main road, and we're on our way to Manila without uttering a single word. We arrived at our place in Las Pinas around 4:00 A.M. 09 April 1969. My family was overjoyed to see their Vietnam Veteran home and alive. However, my Dad was chewing me out.
He kept saying: "You should have waited to travel in the morning! It's really very dangerous to travel at night." My reply was: "Well, I have a FRIEND with me."
My Dad's reply was: " WHAT friend?"
I replied: "Here." And showed him the .22 Cal. Pistol. I can still remember how his eyes POPPED upon seeing the gun. He yelled at me "You're CRAZY!!! That's a TOY gun!!!" All I could say was "Well, it did the job." Honestly, I was really joking with my Dad. He is the BEST mentor that I ever had, and seeing how he cares for me made this dangerous travel well worth it.
Meanwhile, my Mom overheard our conversation and started LAUGHING. Soon, my whole family started laughing.
With this, my Dad just shook his head and gave me a TIGHT HUG and said: "WELCOME HOME, SON."
NOW I know that I'm SAFE...AT LAST.
There were no "let-ups" on the side of the enemy during the days, weeks, and months that followed.
MORTARS kept coming on a NIGHTLY basis and the ambiance of danger looms at every corner of the VAM CUU DONG RIVER. The '69 TET OFFENSIVE is still in full blast and it's intensity is being felt throughout South Vietnam. Reports that the enemies are using the neighboring Cambodian border as transitory stations for moving troops into Vietnamese soil kept the ALLIED FORCES in full alert. As ever, the GOAL of the enemies is to ATTACK and CAPTURE the City of Saigon. Here is where the mainstay of the South Vietnamese government and the Main Headquarters of the Allied Forces are situated. However, for the enemies to do so, they (enemies) have to cross the VAM CUU DONG river. And in doing so, this could only mean TROUBLE for us at Tra Cu.
A CLASH with the enemy was inevitable.
In lieu of this situation, it is suffice to say that each patrol could be your LAST patrol. For some of us, this had been the fate. However, I just could not accept this same fate to befall on me, my crew and our boat, PBR-142. As always, I've treated this notion the other way around. That is - -"...cross, and you'll be CRUSHED...", and I kept these words as a reminder at all times.
With those words in mind, it kept my whole being well-focused on every area of the river that I'm in, while on patrol, my mind continuously processed the "step-by-step" actions that I should take and make in case any ambush should occur. Often, I put my boat (PBR-142) through "mock" maneuvers to test how well she would respond in a tight situation. This was not a GUARANTEE for SAFETY, however this practice worked for me then, and I was confident that it will would for me here at the Vam Cuu Dong river. With "IMMINENT DANGER " looming each day, keeping track of time was no longer a concern of mine. My spare time was spent on my boat (PBR-142) together with my crew. Needless to say, we all knew that our lives depended on how our weapons would perform and how PBR-142 would respond. With this in mind, we made certain that our weapons and boat are well-kept and in TOP FIGHTING FORM at all times.
Going into battle with DOUBTS in mind is simply letting your fate rest in "CHARLIE"S" hands.
MORTARS kept coming on a NIGHTLY basis and the ambiance of danger looms at every corner of the VAM CUU DONG RIVER. The '69 TET OFFENSIVE is still in full blast and it's intensity is being felt throughout South Vietnam. Reports that the enemies are using the neighboring Cambodian border as transitory stations for moving troops into Vietnamese soil kept the ALLIED FORCES in full alert. As ever, the GOAL of the enemies is to ATTACK and CAPTURE the City of Saigon. Here is where the mainstay of the South Vietnamese government and the Main Headquarters of the Allied Forces are situated. However, for the enemies to do so, they (enemies) have to cross the VAM CUU DONG river. And in doing so, this could only mean TROUBLE for us at Tra Cu.
A CLASH with the enemy was inevitable.
In lieu of this situation, it is suffice to say that each patrol could be your LAST patrol. For some of us, this had been the fate. However, I just could not accept this same fate to befall on me, my crew and our boat, PBR-142. As always, I've treated this notion the other way around. That is - -"...cross, and you'll be CRUSHED...", and I kept these words as a reminder at all times.
With those words in mind, it kept my whole being well-focused on every area of the river that I'm in, while on patrol, my mind continuously processed the "step-by-step" actions that I should take and make in case any ambush should occur. Often, I put my boat (PBR-142) through "mock" maneuvers to test how well she would respond in a tight situation. This was not a GUARANTEE for SAFETY, however this practice worked for me then, and I was confident that it will would for me here at the Vam Cuu Dong river. With "IMMINENT DANGER " looming each day, keeping track of time was no longer a concern of mine. My spare time was spent on my boat (PBR-142) together with my crew. Needless to say, we all knew that our lives depended on how our weapons would perform and how PBR-142 would respond. With this in mind, we made certain that our weapons and boat are well-kept and in TOP FIGHTING FORM at all times.
Going into battle with DOUBTS in mind is simply letting your fate rest in "CHARLIE"S" hands.
It was a bright and sunny day. A perfect time to INDOCTRINATE a new Boat Captain. This was the first time I met this fellow and I can't recall his name. In war, people just COME and GO. At times, it's not long enough to remember his/her full name. Anyway, he was a 1st Class Boatswain Mate, Caucasian. A bit TALLER than me, but pudgy and pot-bellied. As usual, he was also COCKY. He was SUPPOSED to be my relief. As protocol and good practice, I handed him the helm (STEERING WHEEL), this would give him a "feel" for the boat. After some manuevers on his own, he told me that he was READY to take the boat to the patrol area. With this, I radioed the cover boat of our intentions and off we went to the lower Tra Cu.
PBR-142 had just made a slight turn to starboard entering entering the bend when a sudden JOLT was felt on out PORT side. The JOLT was strong enough to throw all of us off balance. I knew INSTANTLY that we were hit and ordered my crew to OPEN FIRE towards the eastern bank. I took the helm and radioed home base at Tra Cu and our cover boat and informed both of our situation .
I checked both engines but the STARBOARD one was the ONLY one RESPONDING. I goosed that engine for whatever power I could get, at the same time looking for a safe spot to BEACH the boat. As I swung the boat to starboard towards an open spot at the western bank, a sudden DRAG astern was felt. I looked back and saw the WATER COMING OUT of the engine space and starting to FLOOD the stern deck of the boat. Seeing this, I ordered my crew to "KEEP FIRING! DON'T JUMP, I'LL BEACH THE BOAT!!!"
The "open spot" was approximately 25 meters away, but with PBR-142 slowly sinking, it looked like we'll never get there. It was so close but yet so far.
I continuously ordered my crew " DON'T JUMP, KEEP FIRING!!! I'LL BEACH THE BOAT!!!" At this time, we were FIGHTING FOR EVERY INCH to reach the open spot. I ordered my forward gunner to direct his fire towards the open spot hoping to keep the enemy, if there was any, PINNED DOWN or RUN. Soon as a soft, CRUNCHING sound and a SLIDING MOTION was felt on the forward keel, I knew that we were on the edge of the bank and getting closer to the open spot. As the bow hit the banks, an ENEMY BUNKER, a few feet away, was facing us. Without hesitation, my forward gunner blew that bunker apart. Without any response, I ordered "CEASE FIRE!!!"
I continuously ordered my crew " DON'T JUMP, KEEP FIRING!!! I'LL BEACH THE BOAT!!!" At this time, we were FIGHTING FOR EVERY INCH to reach the open spot. I ordered my forward gunner to direct his fire towards the open spot hoping to keep the enemy, if there was any, PINNED DOWN or RUN. Soon as a soft, CRUNCHING sound and a SLIDING MOTION was felt on the forward keel, I knew that we were on the edge of the bank and getting closer to the open spot. As the bow hit the banks, an ENEMY BUNKER, a few feet away, was facing us. Without hesitation, my forward gunner blew that bunker apart. Without any response, I ordered "CEASE FIRE!!!"
Thereafter, I ordered my crew to keep focused on the area in front of us and OPEN FIRE if they SEE or HEAR any type of movement within that area. Meanwhile, the cover boat was on the scene and making firing runs at the eastern bank.
Soon, the rescue team arrived and came alongside PBR-142. By this time, PBR-142 was almost FILLED with water, and resting on the muddy banks of Vam Cuu Dong river. Despite being EXHAUSTED and TENSE, we were STILL full of fight. Before I boarded the rescue boat, I took a last look at the "busted bunker" and felt really good at the sight. I looked at the incident as "one damaged boat and one busted bunker". It was an even score and I could not ask for more. After the initial assessment of damages, we all headed back to Tra Cu. The rest of the rescue team stayed with the boat (PBR-142) for further assessment and got the boat ready for towing back to Tra Cu.
Back at Tra Cu, I made my report and headed back to our tent to be with my crew. We looked at each other with smiles on our faces. It was a HELL OF A DAY, but we made it through. Needless to say, we all have fun telling stories of our previous experience, PARTICULARLY each other's REACTIONS during the ambush. Our discussion ended with one question: "WHAT WAS THE STATUS OF PBR-142?" Nontheless, one thing was certain...and that was, we were all ALIVE and well. Only then I did I realize it was already the middle of March.
Within a few days, I happened to meet and talk with the REPAIR OFFICER of River Section 532. As far as I can recall, he was CWO ANDERSEN. Anyway, I asked him about the status of PBR-142 and her whereabouts. I was told that my boat (PBR-142) was taken to Nha Be for repairs. Furthermore, I was assured that PBR-142 will be back on patrol in the soonest of time. With this, I felt good knowing that at this moment, PBR-142 was in good hands. As we finished our conversation, the Repair Officer's parting words were: "George, if EVER I ride a PBR, I'll make sure it will be with YOU." Coming from a Naval Officer, I took it as a compliment, and felt really good about it.
By this time, my crew were already assigned to other boats. Me? I was STILL AWAITING ORDERS. At Tra Cu, besides going on patrol, there was nothing to do, and nowhere to go. Boredom is WORSE than a firefight. To compensate for this, I spent the days at the BOAT POOL talking to the Boat Captains and their crew, as they prepared their weapons and boats for their next patrol. As the days would end, it was quite IRONIC to think that tomorrow might not come for all of us. Nontheless, I was full of HOPE that my orders would be "shore duty". Eighteen (18) months in Vietnam deserves a break. As good as it sounded, my orders FINALLY came, but it was OTHERWISE. It read: "REPORT ONBOARD USS HASSAYAMPA AO 145 NLT 09 May 1969".
Honestly, I didn't have any qualms about it. First of all, I am a Quartermaster, and NAVIGATION is my FORTE. I still considered it as a break. For, at least I'm SAFE and there will be no more AMBUSHES in the open sea.
This order was no longer my worry. For now I was focused and concerned for what awaits for me in the Philippines. Honestly I was a bit nervous, because soon I'll find out whether or not the ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RINGS will be accepted by the GIRL that waits for me in Pasay City Philippines. This was now 31 March 1969.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The night patrol started as usual with exchanges of pleasantries among the boat crews of PBR-139 and PBR 142.
BM1 BILL AKIN (WILD BILL) and myself were doing the initial checks of the steering wheel and engines, Satisfied with the tests, "WILD BILL" gave me a thumbs up. In reply, I nod my head and signalled to cast-off all lines. Soon we are underway towards our patrol area north of TRA-CU.
On board PBR 139 was QMc DAWSON. On board my boat (PBR 142 ) and riding as the "PATROL OFFICER" was a NAVAL OFFICER from the river unit stationed at TRA-CU. This was the first time that I've seen this officer and I'm very unfamiliar with his name as well as his discretions on patrol, particularly in a firefight. If there was an option, I much rather have QMc DAWSON as "PATROL OFFICER" that night.
Being in the same RIVER SECTION, all three (3) of us (AKIN, DAWSON AND MYSELF) are familiar with each other. This is important, particularly here at VAM CUU DONG where everything around is unfamiliar to us.
As darkness fall, the chirpings of crickets started to echo around us. The overcast sky didn't help much for illumination. Nonetheless, the surroundings are calm and the river banks on either side showed no movements for us to think otherwise, the passage in our patrol over went without any infractions and showed no premonitions whatsoever of the danger that awaits us. We are on the north bound run and PBR 142 took the lead with PBR 139 trailing approximately 30 meters astern. On our port side lies a village and a refinery warehouse lies on our starboard. A dimly lighted wooden pier is adjacent to the warehouse. As usual I was "ZIGZAGGING". The "PATROL OFFICER" didn't mind this maneuver and been quiet all this time.
My eyes stayed focused on the heavy bushes fronting the village on my port side. My "GUT FEELING" tells me that "if ever an ambush takes place, it will be somewhere along these bushes". I can't forget those flashes of B-40 rockets that came out of those bushes. I was "ZAGGING" to starboard when they all came out and narrowly missed the stern of my boat (PBR 142). Automatically, I goosed both engines to "FULL SPEED" and within seconds PBR 142 was out of the "KILL ZONE".
However, my radio said otherwise. BM1 AKIN'S voice was loud and clear saying, "GEORGE, I'M HIT! I'M SINKING!"
Without hesitation, I swing PBR 142 port and made a 180 degrees turn towards PBR 139. It was only the bow of PBR 139 and it's twin .50 CAL. that were above water and still firing at the enemies position. This sight filled my heart with joy knowing that the forward gunner GMSN CARL GERKIN is still full of fight. I made several firing runs and traded with the enemies fires with fires. I can't keep track of how long this firefight lasted. Nonetheless when the enemies stopped firing. I paused and waited. Assured that the enemies are gone, I came alongside the bow of PBR-139 and summoned GMSN GERKIN to come on board PBR-142. My crew assisted him out of the gunturret and pulled him onboard.
Still in shock, he managed to say, "GEORGE, THEY'RE IN THE WATER!".
Upon hearing this, I swing my boat and made a sweep to search for the crew of PBR-139. Although dimly lit, the light on the wooden pier provided enough brilliance in our search for the crew. BM1 BILL AKIN was the first to be picked out of the water. QMC DAWSON and ENFN CAGLE were next. It was dark and the extent of their injuries cannot be fully determined. Nonetheless, all possible and available medical aide were administered. I knew that there is still a man missing, hence asked BM1 AKIN, "WHERE IS BLAIS?" AKIN'S reply was, "HE'S BADLY HURT, HE'S IN THE WATER!".
With this, I extended our search along the southern edges of the riverbanks within the proximity of the warehouse, this time, we started calling his name. After several sweeps, his whimpers soon been heard hence, leading me towards his location. The sight of him gave me contentment, because I won't be leaving that place without him. I maneuvered my boat (PBR-142) and placed him (BLAIS) astern for pick up. The first attempt was futile. Fortunately, an inflatable rubber mattress was available and became instrumental in scooping "BLAIS" out of the water. Even if it's dark, the glimpse of his injuries were not good at all. As I see it, both his legs were badly shattered and bleeding profusely. All the available and remaining medical aids were administered to him, including shots of morphine.
Realizing that we are in the middle of the river and still within the proximity of the"KILL ZONE", I've decided to look for a safer place. However, I can't allow PBR-139 to be left drifting, so, I swing my boat towards PBR-139. Once alongside it's bow, I told my crew to use anything (line or boat hook) to secure the bow and towed it alongside the wooden pier at the opposite side of the river. Here, we were able to assess the extent of the damages and injuries sustained by the crew of PBR-139.
By this time, GMSN CARL GERKIN has partially recovered from shock and I managed to ask him, "GERK, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUMP?" he looked at me with a smile and said, "ARE YOU KIDDING?I CAN'T FUCKIN' SWIM!".
It didn't take too long for the rescue units (PBR) to arrive. Wasting no time, all the injured were taken on board. All of them, particularly EN3 BLAIS needed medical attention in the soonest of time. Any delays could be fatal. Needless to say, to include the towing of PBR-139 would only slow this transit and at the same time, puts all of us in jeopardy at all times. In lieu of this, I was ordered to remain alongside the wooden pier with the wreckage of PBR-139 until the nest rescue units (PBR) arrives. It was almost dawn when the next units (PBR) arrived. The buzzing and bites of mosquitoes kept us awake all this time. Nonetheless, I am very thankful because these nuisance kept our vigilance well above par during this precarious time.
With PBR-139 in tow, our transit to TRA-CU was considerably slow. Fortunately, the enemy didn't give us any trouble at all. They (enemy) must have had their share of firefight last night and decided to take a break. I was trully glad with this notion, because frankly speaking, "AFTER LAST NIGHT, WE ALSO NEED A BREAK".
While in transit, we were informed that EN3 ROBERT BLAIS PASSED AWAY WHILE IN TRANSIT".
Back in TRA-CU, I couldn't help shedding tears for the loss of my partners and friends. On the other hand, I was very thankful for that "split second" decision to make that 180 degree turn towards PBR-139. Had I hesitated, I'm sure that the enemies will surely make a "TURKEY SHOOT" out of the crew of PBR-139. Undoubtedly, this would result to even more casualties or deaths. Three (3) of our boats and crewmembers were already history at this time, but this didn't stop us from patrolling the VAM CUU DONG. We all knew that without the boats (PBR) the activities at VAM CUU DONG RIVER rests on the enemy's prerogative. Thereby, within a day or two, PBR -142 is back on patrol with the other unit (PBR) as it's new partner in the river. Meanwhile, the remaining units (PBR) of RIVER SECTION 532 are on their way to TRA-CU.
The night of 31 January 1969 is one of the war experiences that remain etched in my mind. Like an illusion, that night started with pleasantries and ended up in tragedy. For a while, we were all full of life, carefree and un-mindful of the hardships of war. In a split of second, we were all fighting for our lives.
The sight of GMSN CARL GERKIN firing his twin .50 CAL in an upside down position at the bow of the sinking PBR-139 is the perfect picturesque of this situation.
This is a "RIVER-RAT" at his finest.
Life is said to be a "SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS" and at the same time"FULL OF SURPRISES". If this is so, then "LIFE" and "WAR" are synonymous to each other. In war, dangers knock at every corner and surprises are plentiful and often deadly. As I see it, War is a school of "unexpected lessons". Lessons that must be learned just as fast as it happened. Failure to understand it could be fatal because the second time around could be your last. "Predicting" the unexpected is the job for a soothsayer, and I ain't one. Nonetheless, I made sure that my mind, body and soul are kept in fine tune with each other and ready as always for the "unexpected" anytime, anywhere and in any form it chooses to come.
BM1 BILL AKIN (WILD BILL) and myself were doing the initial checks of the steering wheel and engines, Satisfied with the tests, "WILD BILL" gave me a thumbs up. In reply, I nod my head and signalled to cast-off all lines. Soon we are underway towards our patrol area north of TRA-CU.
On board PBR 139 was QMc DAWSON. On board my boat (PBR 142 ) and riding as the "PATROL OFFICER" was a NAVAL OFFICER from the river unit stationed at TRA-CU. This was the first time that I've seen this officer and I'm very unfamiliar with his name as well as his discretions on patrol, particularly in a firefight. If there was an option, I much rather have QMc DAWSON as "PATROL OFFICER" that night.
Being in the same RIVER SECTION, all three (3) of us (AKIN, DAWSON AND MYSELF) are familiar with each other. This is important, particularly here at VAM CUU DONG where everything around is unfamiliar to us.
As darkness fall, the chirpings of crickets started to echo around us. The overcast sky didn't help much for illumination. Nonetheless, the surroundings are calm and the river banks on either side showed no movements for us to think otherwise, the passage in our patrol over went without any infractions and showed no premonitions whatsoever of the danger that awaits us. We are on the north bound run and PBR 142 took the lead with PBR 139 trailing approximately 30 meters astern. On our port side lies a village and a refinery warehouse lies on our starboard. A dimly lighted wooden pier is adjacent to the warehouse. As usual I was "ZIGZAGGING". The "PATROL OFFICER" didn't mind this maneuver and been quiet all this time.
My eyes stayed focused on the heavy bushes fronting the village on my port side. My "GUT FEELING" tells me that "if ever an ambush takes place, it will be somewhere along these bushes". I can't forget those flashes of B-40 rockets that came out of those bushes. I was "ZAGGING" to starboard when they all came out and narrowly missed the stern of my boat (PBR 142). Automatically, I goosed both engines to "FULL SPEED" and within seconds PBR 142 was out of the "KILL ZONE".
However, my radio said otherwise. BM1 AKIN'S voice was loud and clear saying, "GEORGE, I'M HIT! I'M SINKING!"
Without hesitation, I swing PBR 142 port and made a 180 degrees turn towards PBR 139. It was only the bow of PBR 139 and it's twin .50 CAL. that were above water and still firing at the enemies position. This sight filled my heart with joy knowing that the forward gunner GMSN CARL GERKIN is still full of fight. I made several firing runs and traded with the enemies fires with fires. I can't keep track of how long this firefight lasted. Nonetheless when the enemies stopped firing. I paused and waited. Assured that the enemies are gone, I came alongside the bow of PBR-139 and summoned GMSN GERKIN to come on board PBR-142. My crew assisted him out of the gunturret and pulled him onboard.
Still in shock, he managed to say, "GEORGE, THEY'RE IN THE WATER!".
Upon hearing this, I swing my boat and made a sweep to search for the crew of PBR-139. Although dimly lit, the light on the wooden pier provided enough brilliance in our search for the crew. BM1 BILL AKIN was the first to be picked out of the water. QMC DAWSON and ENFN CAGLE were next. It was dark and the extent of their injuries cannot be fully determined. Nonetheless, all possible and available medical aide were administered. I knew that there is still a man missing, hence asked BM1 AKIN, "WHERE IS BLAIS?" AKIN'S reply was, "HE'S BADLY HURT, HE'S IN THE WATER!".
With this, I extended our search along the southern edges of the riverbanks within the proximity of the warehouse, this time, we started calling his name. After several sweeps, his whimpers soon been heard hence, leading me towards his location. The sight of him gave me contentment, because I won't be leaving that place without him. I maneuvered my boat (PBR-142) and placed him (BLAIS) astern for pick up. The first attempt was futile. Fortunately, an inflatable rubber mattress was available and became instrumental in scooping "BLAIS" out of the water. Even if it's dark, the glimpse of his injuries were not good at all. As I see it, both his legs were badly shattered and bleeding profusely. All the available and remaining medical aids were administered to him, including shots of morphine.
Realizing that we are in the middle of the river and still within the proximity of the"KILL ZONE", I've decided to look for a safer place. However, I can't allow PBR-139 to be left drifting, so, I swing my boat towards PBR-139. Once alongside it's bow, I told my crew to use anything (line or boat hook) to secure the bow and towed it alongside the wooden pier at the opposite side of the river. Here, we were able to assess the extent of the damages and injuries sustained by the crew of PBR-139.
By this time, GMSN CARL GERKIN has partially recovered from shock and I managed to ask him, "GERK, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUMP?" he looked at me with a smile and said, "ARE YOU KIDDING?I CAN'T FUCKIN' SWIM!".
It didn't take too long for the rescue units (PBR) to arrive. Wasting no time, all the injured were taken on board. All of them, particularly EN3 BLAIS needed medical attention in the soonest of time. Any delays could be fatal. Needless to say, to include the towing of PBR-139 would only slow this transit and at the same time, puts all of us in jeopardy at all times. In lieu of this, I was ordered to remain alongside the wooden pier with the wreckage of PBR-139 until the nest rescue units (PBR) arrives. It was almost dawn when the next units (PBR) arrived. The buzzing and bites of mosquitoes kept us awake all this time. Nonetheless, I am very thankful because these nuisance kept our vigilance well above par during this precarious time.
With PBR-139 in tow, our transit to TRA-CU was considerably slow. Fortunately, the enemy didn't give us any trouble at all. They (enemy) must have had their share of firefight last night and decided to take a break. I was trully glad with this notion, because frankly speaking, "AFTER LAST NIGHT, WE ALSO NEED A BREAK".
While in transit, we were informed that EN3 ROBERT BLAIS PASSED AWAY WHILE IN TRANSIT".
Back in TRA-CU, I couldn't help shedding tears for the loss of my partners and friends. On the other hand, I was very thankful for that "split second" decision to make that 180 degree turn towards PBR-139. Had I hesitated, I'm sure that the enemies will surely make a "TURKEY SHOOT" out of the crew of PBR-139. Undoubtedly, this would result to even more casualties or deaths. Three (3) of our boats and crewmembers were already history at this time, but this didn't stop us from patrolling the VAM CUU DONG. We all knew that without the boats (PBR) the activities at VAM CUU DONG RIVER rests on the enemy's prerogative. Thereby, within a day or two, PBR -142 is back on patrol with the other unit (PBR) as it's new partner in the river. Meanwhile, the remaining units (PBR) of RIVER SECTION 532 are on their way to TRA-CU.
The night of 31 January 1969 is one of the war experiences that remain etched in my mind. Like an illusion, that night started with pleasantries and ended up in tragedy. For a while, we were all full of life, carefree and un-mindful of the hardships of war. In a split of second, we were all fighting for our lives.
The sight of GMSN CARL GERKIN firing his twin .50 CAL in an upside down position at the bow of the sinking PBR-139 is the perfect picturesque of this situation.
This is a "RIVER-RAT" at his finest.
Life is said to be a "SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS" and at the same time"FULL OF SURPRISES". If this is so, then "LIFE" and "WAR" are synonymous to each other. In war, dangers knock at every corner and surprises are plentiful and often deadly. As I see it, War is a school of "unexpected lessons". Lessons that must be learned just as fast as it happened. Failure to understand it could be fatal because the second time around could be your last. "Predicting" the unexpected is the job for a soothsayer, and I ain't one. Nonetheless, I made sure that my mind, body and soul are kept in fine tune with each other and ready as always for the "unexpected" anytime, anywhere and in any form it chooses to come.
"C-RATS " is synonymous with war.
In all areas of war, "C-RATS" is, and at times the only source of nutrients that keep the soldier's body in peak fighting form. At the same token, the mention of the word "C-RATS" undoubtedly ignited, hence enliven the past memories of war that has been shelved in the farthest chamber of the veteran's mind.
"C-RATS" is "COMBAT-RATIONS". I can honestly say that" C-RATS" is our "daily bread" in VIETNAM . as a boat captain, I always made sure that a box of "C-RATS" is on board for our patrol. The box contains varieties of canned foods such as pork and beans, chicken ,pork scrambled egg, bread, pound cake and etc. Pork and beans is the favorite and most sought after. The taste is not something to crave about. However, with some added ingredients, it becomes quite the delicacy. The canned foods are lined up on the engines' manifold. Thereafter when noon time comes, "HOT MEALS" are ready to be served. "Innovation" is part of our life in VIETNAM. It makes us appreciate and enjoy the simplest amenity of war.
Now, who is "JOHN WAYNE?" For non-veterans, John Wayne is a HOLLYWOOD icon. He is a movie star and his portrayals of american fighting men were superb and natural. On screen,he is victorious in all battlefields whether it be against Indians, Germans, Chinese , Japanese and Vietcong. In short John Wayne epitomizes the grit and the fighting spirit of America's fighting men. In all respect, John Wayne was and still the role model to some american G.I.'s .
However, the "JOHN WAYNE" that I'm referring is not the actor himself. The "JOHN WAYNE" that I'm referring to is a piece of metal that comes with the box of "C-RATS". It has two (2) moving parts about an inch long andhalf an inch wide. Our part is for handling and the other part for cutting or slicing .
It's a "CAN OPENER".
Without it, the "C-RATS" is not complete. It's importance is well expressed at noon time when everyone in the boat is yelling, "WHERE IS JOHN WAYNE?". It is so precious that I kept one with my "DOG TAGS". I have no idea, where, when and who christened this piece of metal as "JOHN WAYNE". Nonetheless, I consider the "NAMESAKE" to be most fitting and appropriate for both. "DURABILITY" could have been the criteria.
Personally, I consider the "NAMESAKE" as a tribute to John Wayne's toughness in real life and on screen as well.
In leiu of this, it is suffice to say that; not only in real life that good things come in pairs. Even in war or hell, "C-RATS" and John Wayne are the perfect pair.
In all areas of war, "C-RATS" is, and at times the only source of nutrients that keep the soldier's body in peak fighting form. At the same token, the mention of the word "C-RATS" undoubtedly ignited, hence enliven the past memories of war that has been shelved in the farthest chamber of the veteran's mind.
"C-RATS" is "COMBAT-RATIONS". I can honestly say that" C-RATS" is our "daily bread" in VIETNAM . as a boat captain, I always made sure that a box of "C-RATS" is on board for our patrol. The box contains varieties of canned foods such as pork and beans, chicken ,pork scrambled egg, bread, pound cake and etc. Pork and beans is the favorite and most sought after. The taste is not something to crave about. However, with some added ingredients, it becomes quite the delicacy. The canned foods are lined up on the engines' manifold. Thereafter when noon time comes, "HOT MEALS" are ready to be served. "Innovation" is part of our life in VIETNAM. It makes us appreciate and enjoy the simplest amenity of war.
Now, who is "JOHN WAYNE?" For non-veterans, John Wayne is a HOLLYWOOD icon. He is a movie star and his portrayals of american fighting men were superb and natural. On screen,he is victorious in all battlefields whether it be against Indians, Germans, Chinese , Japanese and Vietcong. In short John Wayne epitomizes the grit and the fighting spirit of America's fighting men. In all respect, John Wayne was and still the role model to some american G.I.'s .
However, the "JOHN WAYNE" that I'm referring is not the actor himself. The "JOHN WAYNE" that I'm referring to is a piece of metal that comes with the box of "C-RATS". It has two (2) moving parts about an inch long andhalf an inch wide. Our part is for handling and the other part for cutting or slicing .
It's a "CAN OPENER".
Without it, the "C-RATS" is not complete. It's importance is well expressed at noon time when everyone in the boat is yelling, "WHERE IS JOHN WAYNE?". It is so precious that I kept one with my "DOG TAGS". I have no idea, where, when and who christened this piece of metal as "JOHN WAYNE". Nonetheless, I consider the "NAMESAKE" to be most fitting and appropriate for both. "DURABILITY" could have been the criteria.
Personally, I consider the "NAMESAKE" as a tribute to John Wayne's toughness in real life and on screen as well.
In leiu of this, it is suffice to say that; not only in real life that good things come in pairs. Even in war or hell, "C-RATS" and John Wayne are the perfect pair.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
"Soonest was soon enough". The orders came and RIVER SECTION 532 was tasked to send the "RE-INFORCEMENTS". By this time, the units (BOATS of RIVER SECTION 532 were being manned by newcomers.
With this, I am hoping that our chances be better off than the other riverine units that met their fate at the VAM CUU DONG RIVER. With all the deaths and casualties suffered by the riverine units, this river became known as the "PURPLE HEART ALLEY". Nonetheless, this didn't bother me. I am confident as ever, that the enemies will have their match with the units of RIVER SECTION 532, this time around.
I can't recall the exact date that the "re-inforcements" departed from MYTHO. It was around the middle part of January 1968. How many boats? As I recall five (5) boats under the command of BM1 RAY WALKER, SM1 KUHN, sm1 jack miles, BM1 BILL AKIN and myself were the first batch of re-inforcements. The patrol officers that accompanied us were LT. CHIARATTINI, LT PARKER and QMc DAWSON. Our task is to operate with the remaining riverine units (BOATS) left at TRA CU. It was one of those mornings of January 1969 that I made my final maneuvers out of the boat pool at MYTHO. I took a last glance at the boat repair shop. SEAL HEADQUARTERS and my favorite restaurant, the "CUU LONG". Soon, they're all be memories that will stay within me the rest of my life.
All the boats stayed at the middle of "CUA TIEU" and headed towards an easterly course. As we made the turn to port towards "GIAO HUA CANAL". I had my first view and bid farewell to MYTHO and CUA TIIEU. I knew that in TRA CU that I will spend the remaining months of my tour of duty in VIETNAM.
GIAO HOA CANAL is a tributary of the MEKONG RIVER that leads to a northward direction. It's northern end branches off with the VAM CUU DONG river. The entire stretch of this canal is narrow and within the range of SNIPER'S SHOT. Worse yet, some bends are within an"ARM'S THROW" of a hand grenade. With this topography, an ambush attempt can happen anytime and anywhere along either banks of this canal. Occassional gunfires were heard coming from villages inland, however, enough to make us concern for a possible firefight.
Fortunately, we've reached the first leg of our destination safely. It was mid-afternoon when we reach the northern end. We made a brief stop alongside a YRBM anchored off the NAVAL SUPPORT BASE at NHA BE. This is where damaged boats (PBR) are being repaired. This stop gave us time to have our lunch and extra time to visit the YRBM'S ship's store. This brief stop became so memorable for me.
Here is where I bought a pair of engagement and wedding rings for the girl I plan to marry in the Philippines.
However, with the danger(s) still ahead of us. I put this idea aside and concentrated more on the enemy that waits at the VAN CUU DONG RIVER and TRA CU . After having briefed regarding the enemy's movements in the area. We are on our way to TRA CUU VIA VAM CUU DONG RIVER. It's width and continuos narrow bends are perfect sites for an ambush and the enemy use this topography to his advantage. Now I know how it feels to be in the "PURPLE HEART ALLEY". It was dusk when we arrived at TRA CU. We are met by the remaining RIVERINE UNITS (PBR) and escorted us to the make shift boat pool.
The boat pool is an open slot alongside the western bank of the river. After securing our boats, we are escorted to our "QUAARTERS". This "QUARTERS" is similar to a "CAMPSITE", because of it's tent like features with canvass roof and wooden cots for our beds. For "PROTECTION", the camps is surrounded by barbed wire fence and at night, the only sentry is "DUFFER BAG". HONESTLY, I don't have any idea what "DUFFER BAG" is made of. It looks like a balloon that floats up in the sky well beyond the range of sniper's bullet. This can be easily seen at night with "TRACER'S BULLETS" trying to hit it. It's purpose is to detect any metal materials within 100 200 yards around our campsite as well as the adjacent "ARMY SPECIAL FORCES COMPOUND". The monitoring devices are controlled by the "ARMY SPECIAL FORCES". Nonetheless, this did not deter the enemies from "WELCOMING" us, with barrages of mortars that night and the following nights. As we scramble and run toward our boats, some of us got entangled with the barbed wire fence. This caused lacerations, cuts and gashes on our arms, legs and bodies as well as our faces. I can't forget that norning that I've chance to talk to ENFN FEDE. I've noticed the gashes on his (FEDE) face and I asked "WHAT HAPPENED?" YOU LOOK LIKE YOU HAD A FIGHT WITH A PUSSY CAT !" FEDE'S reply was ,"PUSSY CAT MY ASS ! IT WAS THOSE DAMN WIRE FENCES". Everybody that heard us can't help but laugh.
"HUMOR" is a good start to begin our first morning at TRA CU . After our usual breakfast of "C-RATS", all of us went for muster.
During "MUSTER" all boats captains and patrol officers were told to standby and wait for a" ARMY GUNSHIP" (HELICOPTER) that will arrive inside the "GREEN BERET"S" compound. We didn't wait too long and the gunship arrived. Soon as we boarded, the gunship took off and up in the air we went. The pilot gave us an aerial tour of the VAM CUU DONG RIVER and adjacent areas. This tour gave us a "BIRD'S EYE VIEW " of the "PURPLE HEART ALLEY". It's curve s and bends resembled a "SNAKE" and it's width is continuosly narrow, hence giving all the odds in favor to the enemy. However, this didn't bother me at all. As ever, I am confident that "speed and firepower" will compensate for all of these negative conditions. Soon as we landed, I already have a "MENTAL MAP" of the area together with a plan of actions for my patrols to come. I am ready to confront "CHARLIE" anyway, anywhere and anytime in his own turf.
Besides us and the "SPECIAL FORCES", these are locals that are present inside the "SPECIAL FORCES" compound. I happened to ask one of the "SPECIAL FORCES" about the status of these locals. I was told that these locals are "CAMBODIAN MERCENARIES". With this, my reply was, "THEY ARE GETTING PAID, AREN'T THEY"? The answer was, "YES, THEY ARE PAID PER ENEMY'S EAR". I didn't ask anymore question, but that answer kept me to wander, "WHAT IF THE EAR ISN'T FROM THE ENEMY?" Well, if this is so, then there will be a lot of local vietnamese that will run around with one or without both ears.
Our first week at TRA CU was hectic. With showers of mortars at night, getting a "GOOD NIGHT SLEEP"becomes a problem. Most of us got fed up with it and just stayed in our tent and slept through it. With or without mortars, we are going to get our "GOOD NIGHT " sleep. Fortunately, none of us got hurt. In lieu of this, I can honestly say that, "THE ENEMIES WERE EITHER BLIND OR CROSSEYED. THEY ARE BAD SHOTS".
The following week spelled disaster for us. PBR 40 and PBR 140 were ambushed. The boat captains, BM1 RAY WALKER and SM1 KUHN together with their crew were either killed or mortally wounded. As I recall, GMG3 LUCKETT, ENFN HOOPAUGH and ENFN FEDE were KIA'S while the rest were taken to the nearest ARMY HOSPITAL. I was hoping but never heard nor seen any of them again. In a visit, ADM. ELMO ZUMWALT, COMNAV FORCES VIETNAM together with GEN. CREIGHTON ABRAMS COMUS FORCES VIETNAM arrived in TRA CU and gave a eulogy for our fallen comrades. Here in TRA-CU GEN. that GEN. GEN. ABRAMS referred our boats (PBR) as "FLOATING COFFINS". Each boat captain have his own way in handling his boat (PBR) while on patrol I cannot say that "HIS WAY" contributed and resulted to fail into an ambushed. I've learned this "LESSON" through experience and never allowed these lessons to come out of my mind.
Awkward as it may looked, 'ZIGZAGGING" was one of my 'MOVES' on patrol particularly while transiting a bend. I'm sure that this "MOVE" resulted to numerous missed. "B-40 ROCKET" shots at my boat {PBR 142) that caused disgust to the enemy.
I know that "DOGS" are being used by the military and airports as "SNIFERS" for drugs and other contrabands. These canines are referred to as "MILITARY DOGS or K-9". Howecer, using this "K-9" on board our boats (PBR) as "RADAR" while waiting in ambush trully amazea me. The fact that the enemy need to cross the VAM CUU DONG RIVER to transport troops, ammunitions, medicines and etc. makes them (ENEMY) vulnerable for an ambush.... from us. This is when the K-9 becomes instrumental. Laying prone and positioned at the bow, the "K-9" and "MASTER" dictates when to fire. Waiting for the dog's ear to prop-up sounds funny, but this is the signal for us to open fire. Trully, I can say that these "AMBUSHES" thwarted numerous attempts by the enemies to cross the VAM CUU DONG RIVER.
At the same token, this gave more reasons for the enemies to even-up the score with us. The living conditions at TRA-CU made me realize how little things can mean so much. This goes with our daily meals, drinking water, the tent and the cots we sleep. Unlike mytho and the HUNTERDON COUNTY were some amenities are available, here at the TRA-CU, WE have to do with what we have. A "COLD DRINK OF WATER" became a luxury for us. However, a "BLOCK OF ICE" means a boat ride to the closest village. This is approximately an hour boat ride, if no ambush nor firefight occured during the trip and back to TRA-CU. Nonetheless, even with all the possible dangers, each one of us are always willing to make this boat trip. We treat this boat trip as a "MISSION ", hence it's quite imaginable to see one "HAPPY FACES" every time the "BOAT TRIP" return with 'ICE BLOCK" on board
In lieu of this, I can honestly say that, TRA -CU is war in it's purest form. It didn't take long enough that I had the sniper shots at VAM CUU DONG. Clear enough, the flashes of gunshots came from a bunker at the Western bank of the river. As we peppered the bunker with our twin .50s, a man was spotted running on the rice paddies. It so happened that members of the other riverine unit are onboard the boats (PBR-139 and PBR -142), and decided to go after the running man. As we beached the boats, the running man was still on sight. As members of the river unit went in pursuit, we (crews of PBR-139 andPBR-142) were able to have a good look at the busted bunker and it's layout. The layout was so simple yet so effective.
A trench, deep enough for cover is dug behind and connects three(3) bunkers which are positioned approximately 30 meters apart. This gives the sniper an easy access to the next bunker for safety after firing his first shot. With this layout, it is suffice to say that, while the boats (PBR) are bursting the first bunker, the enemy was already at the nest bunker laughing his ass off.
With this finding, our reaction to sniper's became more evasive rather than engaging. We just fire for cover and get out of the "KILL ZONE" as fast as we can. The pursuit didn't last long. The man was corned in a bamboo hut within the p;roximity of the rice paddies. The man and two (2) other companions surrendered without firing a shot. Considering that it was safe enough, I walked and looked around the capture site. What caught my attention were the large clay pots or vats positioned around the hut. Being anxious, I was in for a surprise. The clay pots are full of "DEAD RATS" in all stages and sizes. From newly boarn mice to adults rats. At the backyard were rows of bamboo strips assembled as bins and full of rat meats being dried. Without question, these "VATS OF RATS" are enemy's food supply.
The three (3) men were taken back to TRA-CU for questioning, in lieu of this, I was grateful as ever to have a box full of "C-RATS" every day. Each can has special taste and I trully savors every bite of it. From the experience, I've learned to appreciate the basic necessity of war...."C-RATS". I'll take "C-RATS" anytime rather than "DEAD RATS".
With this, I am hoping that our chances be better off than the other riverine units that met their fate at the VAM CUU DONG RIVER. With all the deaths and casualties suffered by the riverine units, this river became known as the "PURPLE HEART ALLEY". Nonetheless, this didn't bother me. I am confident as ever, that the enemies will have their match with the units of RIVER SECTION 532, this time around.
I can't recall the exact date that the "re-inforcements" departed from MYTHO. It was around the middle part of January 1968. How many boats? As I recall five (5) boats under the command of BM1 RAY WALKER, SM1 KUHN, sm1 jack miles, BM1 BILL AKIN and myself were the first batch of re-inforcements. The patrol officers that accompanied us were LT. CHIARATTINI, LT PARKER and QMc DAWSON. Our task is to operate with the remaining riverine units (BOATS) left at TRA CU. It was one of those mornings of January 1969 that I made my final maneuvers out of the boat pool at MYTHO. I took a last glance at the boat repair shop. SEAL HEADQUARTERS and my favorite restaurant, the "CUU LONG". Soon, they're all be memories that will stay within me the rest of my life.
All the boats stayed at the middle of "CUA TIEU" and headed towards an easterly course. As we made the turn to port towards "GIAO HUA CANAL". I had my first view and bid farewell to MYTHO and CUA TIIEU. I knew that in TRA CU that I will spend the remaining months of my tour of duty in VIETNAM.
GIAO HOA CANAL is a tributary of the MEKONG RIVER that leads to a northward direction. It's northern end branches off with the VAM CUU DONG river. The entire stretch of this canal is narrow and within the range of SNIPER'S SHOT. Worse yet, some bends are within an"ARM'S THROW" of a hand grenade. With this topography, an ambush attempt can happen anytime and anywhere along either banks of this canal. Occassional gunfires were heard coming from villages inland, however, enough to make us concern for a possible firefight.
Fortunately, we've reached the first leg of our destination safely. It was mid-afternoon when we reach the northern end. We made a brief stop alongside a YRBM anchored off the NAVAL SUPPORT BASE at NHA BE. This is where damaged boats (PBR) are being repaired. This stop gave us time to have our lunch and extra time to visit the YRBM'S ship's store. This brief stop became so memorable for me.
Here is where I bought a pair of engagement and wedding rings for the girl I plan to marry in the Philippines.
However, with the danger(s) still ahead of us. I put this idea aside and concentrated more on the enemy that waits at the VAN CUU DONG RIVER and TRA CU . After having briefed regarding the enemy's movements in the area. We are on our way to TRA CUU VIA VAM CUU DONG RIVER. It's width and continuos narrow bends are perfect sites for an ambush and the enemy use this topography to his advantage. Now I know how it feels to be in the "PURPLE HEART ALLEY". It was dusk when we arrived at TRA CU. We are met by the remaining RIVERINE UNITS (PBR) and escorted us to the make shift boat pool.
The boat pool is an open slot alongside the western bank of the river. After securing our boats, we are escorted to our "QUAARTERS". This "QUARTERS" is similar to a "CAMPSITE", because of it's tent like features with canvass roof and wooden cots for our beds. For "PROTECTION", the camps is surrounded by barbed wire fence and at night, the only sentry is "DUFFER BAG". HONESTLY, I don't have any idea what "DUFFER BAG" is made of. It looks like a balloon that floats up in the sky well beyond the range of sniper's bullet. This can be easily seen at night with "TRACER'S BULLETS" trying to hit it. It's purpose is to detect any metal materials within 100 200 yards around our campsite as well as the adjacent "ARMY SPECIAL FORCES COMPOUND". The monitoring devices are controlled by the "ARMY SPECIAL FORCES". Nonetheless, this did not deter the enemies from "WELCOMING" us, with barrages of mortars that night and the following nights. As we scramble and run toward our boats, some of us got entangled with the barbed wire fence. This caused lacerations, cuts and gashes on our arms, legs and bodies as well as our faces. I can't forget that norning that I've chance to talk to ENFN FEDE. I've noticed the gashes on his (FEDE) face and I asked "WHAT HAPPENED?" YOU LOOK LIKE YOU HAD A FIGHT WITH A PUSSY CAT !" FEDE'S reply was ,"PUSSY CAT MY ASS ! IT WAS THOSE DAMN WIRE FENCES". Everybody that heard us can't help but laugh.
"HUMOR" is a good start to begin our first morning at TRA CU . After our usual breakfast of "C-RATS", all of us went for muster.
During "MUSTER" all boats captains and patrol officers were told to standby and wait for a" ARMY GUNSHIP" (HELICOPTER) that will arrive inside the "GREEN BERET"S" compound. We didn't wait too long and the gunship arrived. Soon as we boarded, the gunship took off and up in the air we went. The pilot gave us an aerial tour of the VAM CUU DONG RIVER and adjacent areas. This tour gave us a "BIRD'S EYE VIEW " of the "PURPLE HEART ALLEY". It's curve s and bends resembled a "SNAKE" and it's width is continuosly narrow, hence giving all the odds in favor to the enemy. However, this didn't bother me at all. As ever, I am confident that "speed and firepower" will compensate for all of these negative conditions. Soon as we landed, I already have a "MENTAL MAP" of the area together with a plan of actions for my patrols to come. I am ready to confront "CHARLIE" anyway, anywhere and anytime in his own turf.
Besides us and the "SPECIAL FORCES", these are locals that are present inside the "SPECIAL FORCES" compound. I happened to ask one of the "SPECIAL FORCES" about the status of these locals. I was told that these locals are "CAMBODIAN MERCENARIES". With this, my reply was, "THEY ARE GETTING PAID, AREN'T THEY"? The answer was, "YES, THEY ARE PAID PER ENEMY'S EAR". I didn't ask anymore question, but that answer kept me to wander, "WHAT IF THE EAR ISN'T FROM THE ENEMY?" Well, if this is so, then there will be a lot of local vietnamese that will run around with one or without both ears.
Our first week at TRA CU was hectic. With showers of mortars at night, getting a "GOOD NIGHT SLEEP"becomes a problem. Most of us got fed up with it and just stayed in our tent and slept through it. With or without mortars, we are going to get our "GOOD NIGHT " sleep. Fortunately, none of us got hurt. In lieu of this, I can honestly say that, "THE ENEMIES WERE EITHER BLIND OR CROSSEYED. THEY ARE BAD SHOTS".
The following week spelled disaster for us. PBR 40 and PBR 140 were ambushed. The boat captains, BM1 RAY WALKER and SM1 KUHN together with their crew were either killed or mortally wounded. As I recall, GMG3 LUCKETT, ENFN HOOPAUGH and ENFN FEDE were KIA'S while the rest were taken to the nearest ARMY HOSPITAL. I was hoping but never heard nor seen any of them again. In a visit, ADM. ELMO ZUMWALT, COMNAV FORCES VIETNAM together with GEN. CREIGHTON ABRAMS COMUS FORCES VIETNAM arrived in TRA CU and gave a eulogy for our fallen comrades. Here in TRA-CU GEN. that GEN. GEN. ABRAMS referred our boats (PBR) as "FLOATING COFFINS". Each boat captain have his own way in handling his boat (PBR) while on patrol I cannot say that "HIS WAY" contributed and resulted to fail into an ambushed. I've learned this "LESSON" through experience and never allowed these lessons to come out of my mind.
Awkward as it may looked, 'ZIGZAGGING" was one of my 'MOVES' on patrol particularly while transiting a bend. I'm sure that this "MOVE" resulted to numerous missed. "B-40 ROCKET" shots at my boat {PBR 142) that caused disgust to the enemy.
I know that "DOGS" are being used by the military and airports as "SNIFERS" for drugs and other contrabands. These canines are referred to as "MILITARY DOGS or K-9". Howecer, using this "K-9" on board our boats (PBR) as "RADAR" while waiting in ambush trully amazea me. The fact that the enemy need to cross the VAM CUU DONG RIVER to transport troops, ammunitions, medicines and etc. makes them (ENEMY) vulnerable for an ambush.... from us. This is when the K-9 becomes instrumental. Laying prone and positioned at the bow, the "K-9" and "MASTER" dictates when to fire. Waiting for the dog's ear to prop-up sounds funny, but this is the signal for us to open fire. Trully, I can say that these "AMBUSHES" thwarted numerous attempts by the enemies to cross the VAM CUU DONG RIVER.
At the same token, this gave more reasons for the enemies to even-up the score with us. The living conditions at TRA-CU made me realize how little things can mean so much. This goes with our daily meals, drinking water, the tent and the cots we sleep. Unlike mytho and the HUNTERDON COUNTY were some amenities are available, here at the TRA-CU, WE have to do with what we have. A "COLD DRINK OF WATER" became a luxury for us. However, a "BLOCK OF ICE" means a boat ride to the closest village. This is approximately an hour boat ride, if no ambush nor firefight occured during the trip and back to TRA-CU. Nonetheless, even with all the possible dangers, each one of us are always willing to make this boat trip. We treat this boat trip as a "MISSION ", hence it's quite imaginable to see one "HAPPY FACES" every time the "BOAT TRIP" return with 'ICE BLOCK" on board
In lieu of this, I can honestly say that, TRA -CU is war in it's purest form. It didn't take long enough that I had the sniper shots at VAM CUU DONG. Clear enough, the flashes of gunshots came from a bunker at the Western bank of the river. As we peppered the bunker with our twin .50s, a man was spotted running on the rice paddies. It so happened that members of the other riverine unit are onboard the boats (PBR-139 and PBR -142), and decided to go after the running man. As we beached the boats, the running man was still on sight. As members of the river unit went in pursuit, we (crews of PBR-139 andPBR-142) were able to have a good look at the busted bunker and it's layout. The layout was so simple yet so effective.
A trench, deep enough for cover is dug behind and connects three(3) bunkers which are positioned approximately 30 meters apart. This gives the sniper an easy access to the next bunker for safety after firing his first shot. With this layout, it is suffice to say that, while the boats (PBR) are bursting the first bunker, the enemy was already at the nest bunker laughing his ass off.
With this finding, our reaction to sniper's became more evasive rather than engaging. We just fire for cover and get out of the "KILL ZONE" as fast as we can. The pursuit didn't last long. The man was corned in a bamboo hut within the p;roximity of the rice paddies. The man and two (2) other companions surrendered without firing a shot. Considering that it was safe enough, I walked and looked around the capture site. What caught my attention were the large clay pots or vats positioned around the hut. Being anxious, I was in for a surprise. The clay pots are full of "DEAD RATS" in all stages and sizes. From newly boarn mice to adults rats. At the backyard were rows of bamboo strips assembled as bins and full of rat meats being dried. Without question, these "VATS OF RATS" are enemy's food supply.
The three (3) men were taken back to TRA-CU for questioning, in lieu of this, I was grateful as ever to have a box full of "C-RATS" every day. Each can has special taste and I trully savors every bite of it. From the experience, I've learned to appreciate the basic necessity of war...."C-RATS". I'll take "C-RATS" anytime rather than "DEAD RATS".
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
"ORDERS' was received and RIVER SECTION 532 was ordered back to MYTHO. This was around June or July 1968. To be back in my old stomping grounds is a good feeling. However to leave my friends onboard the Hunterdon County was not easy at all. I trully miss their company, particularly the ship's barber SH2 FRED OLPATO; SD2 DONES;SN ED RITA RITA; (NOW A RETIRED LCDR IN THE US NAVY) and "PANCHO". I can't recall "PANCHO" real name. He is a DAMAGE CONTROLMAN FIRST CLASS (DCI) and Mexican-American. I'll miss his "MOONSHINE".
Back in MYTHO, the CUA DAI AND CUA TIEU are still as dangerous as ever. The enemy activities are very rampant in most villages hence causing deep concern for the US MILITARY AND allied forces as well. Needless to say, this means more "operations" for the units of RIVER SECTION 532. BOMBING enemy positions intensified resulting to casualties of local civilians. Medical evacuations (MEDEVAC) for these civilians became one of our chores. "OPERATIONS" with the US NAVY SEALS and ARMY LRRPS became more intense and after. In the air, FAR EAST NETWORK (FEN) continuosly reports the gradual recovery of the ALLIED FORCES from the initial wave of the TET OFFENSIVE. On the other hand, "HANOI HANNAH" says otherwise,. However, being in the battlefield myself, my "INDICATORS" are on actual scenarios that I've seen and firefights that I've experienced. Hence making me consider these "NEWS" as being 'THE FUNNY SIDES OF WAR".
There is only one word that could describe the assault at QUI NHON BAY. This word is "OFFENSIVE". This is now the prevailing trend in all areas of the battlefields. The ALLIED FORCES are not on the 'OFFENSIVE" and sweeping the enemies out of their "ZONES OF INFLUENCE". The lightning force that hit the U.S. MILITARY AND ALLIED FORCES in 28 January 1968 is now starting to fizzle out. Like a tide, after reaching it's highest point, ebbing is the only recourse to return to the sea. This is the dilemna that the enemies are now faced with. For the NORTH VIETNAM REGULARS, to return to the "NORTH" is their only recourse. In their retreat, these REGULARS seek refuge in local villages hence resulting to sporadic bombings of these areas. The enemies are now on the run and the ALLIED FORCES are bent to keep it that way. The US and ALLIED soldiers did the "BLOCKADES" on hand, hence leaving the enemies no alternative but to utilize the MEKONG RIVER and it's tributaries as venues for their war efforts.
Needless to say, this made our patrols more tense than ever.
It is now SEPTEMBER 1968, It was only a year ago that I set foot at TAN SON NHUT AIRBASE at SAIGON CITY, SOUTH VIETNAM. Considering the arduos patrols, covert operations, firefights and the assault of QUI NHON BAY, I am very fortunate to be alive. However, with my tour of duty extension, I have six (6) more months to go. As ever my "GUT FEELING" says "GEORGE, I'LL SEE YOU THROUGH" Barely two (2) weeks ago, (18 AUGUST 1968) at the Battle at TINH LUONG RIVER, this "GUT FEELING " was true. As ever, I've considered the "BATTLE AT TINH LUONG" as a close encounter with death. Words are not enough to describe the faces of the enemies as they face the barrels of the twin .50 CALIBERS and hear the rhythm of death being played by their weapons. I saw these faces, and they're ugly. As the boat commander of PBR 142, I am the "CONDUCTOR" of that rhythm, and I prefer to stay that way, at least for the next six (6) months. The last three (3) months of 1968 were not as hectic as the previous months.
The ambiance at the river, local villages and streets of MYTHO were back to normalcy. The firefights are seldom and the military bases or outposts of the Allied Forces up North have recovered and back to it's feet. The offensive force that blasted these Allied Forces on January1968 is now an ember and this is good news for us. How long will it last? Nobody knows.
There were many transfers and new faces in our section during these months. My partner, EN2 ROY K. DAVIS was transferred to the mainland for duty. PBR 139 is now being SKIPPERED by a new boat captain in the person of BM1 WILLIAM (BILL) AKIN.
During these months, most of our night patrols were spent conducting "PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARES", hoping that the scattered enemies will surrender and return to the fold of the South Vietnamese democratic government. In lieu of this, the implementation of the "CHU HOI" program have started. The goal of this program was to re-habilitate and indoctrinate the enemy to a new way of life. A life that will blend and fit in with the social life of the South Vietnamese people. Hence, becoming a citizen and pledging allegiance to the Democratic Government of South Vietnam. Nevertheless, good as it may sound, I remained lackdaisical toward this program. I honestly believe that a "TIGER WILL ALWAYS BE A TIGER". Even with paint covering it's stripes, it is still a tiger.
Meanwhile, as the month of December 1968 comes to an end, the news that we are hearing about the "RIVERINE UNITS" stationed up North were not good to our ears. These units that patrols the VAM CUU DONG RIVER and TRA CU were constantly catching hell from the enemies. Boats and personnel casualties are often and seemed unstoppable. If this trend continues, all of us knew that re-inforcements will be inevitable, in the soonest of time.
Back in MYTHO, the CUA DAI AND CUA TIEU are still as dangerous as ever. The enemy activities are very rampant in most villages hence causing deep concern for the US MILITARY AND allied forces as well. Needless to say, this means more "operations" for the units of RIVER SECTION 532. BOMBING enemy positions intensified resulting to casualties of local civilians. Medical evacuations (MEDEVAC) for these civilians became one of our chores. "OPERATIONS" with the US NAVY SEALS and ARMY LRRPS became more intense and after. In the air, FAR EAST NETWORK (FEN) continuosly reports the gradual recovery of the ALLIED FORCES from the initial wave of the TET OFFENSIVE. On the other hand, "HANOI HANNAH" says otherwise,. However, being in the battlefield myself, my "INDICATORS" are on actual scenarios that I've seen and firefights that I've experienced. Hence making me consider these "NEWS" as being 'THE FUNNY SIDES OF WAR".
There is only one word that could describe the assault at QUI NHON BAY. This word is "OFFENSIVE". This is now the prevailing trend in all areas of the battlefields. The ALLIED FORCES are not on the 'OFFENSIVE" and sweeping the enemies out of their "ZONES OF INFLUENCE". The lightning force that hit the U.S. MILITARY AND ALLIED FORCES in 28 January 1968 is now starting to fizzle out. Like a tide, after reaching it's highest point, ebbing is the only recourse to return to the sea. This is the dilemna that the enemies are now faced with. For the NORTH VIETNAM REGULARS, to return to the "NORTH" is their only recourse. In their retreat, these REGULARS seek refuge in local villages hence resulting to sporadic bombings of these areas. The enemies are now on the run and the ALLIED FORCES are bent to keep it that way. The US and ALLIED soldiers did the "BLOCKADES" on hand, hence leaving the enemies no alternative but to utilize the MEKONG RIVER and it's tributaries as venues for their war efforts.
Needless to say, this made our patrols more tense than ever.
It is now SEPTEMBER 1968, It was only a year ago that I set foot at TAN SON NHUT AIRBASE at SAIGON CITY, SOUTH VIETNAM. Considering the arduos patrols, covert operations, firefights and the assault of QUI NHON BAY, I am very fortunate to be alive. However, with my tour of duty extension, I have six (6) more months to go. As ever my "GUT FEELING" says "GEORGE, I'LL SEE YOU THROUGH" Barely two (2) weeks ago, (18 AUGUST 1968) at the Battle at TINH LUONG RIVER, this "GUT FEELING " was true. As ever, I've considered the "BATTLE AT TINH LUONG" as a close encounter with death. Words are not enough to describe the faces of the enemies as they face the barrels of the twin .50 CALIBERS and hear the rhythm of death being played by their weapons. I saw these faces, and they're ugly. As the boat commander of PBR 142, I am the "CONDUCTOR" of that rhythm, and I prefer to stay that way, at least for the next six (6) months. The last three (3) months of 1968 were not as hectic as the previous months.
The ambiance at the river, local villages and streets of MYTHO were back to normalcy. The firefights are seldom and the military bases or outposts of the Allied Forces up North have recovered and back to it's feet. The offensive force that blasted these Allied Forces on January1968 is now an ember and this is good news for us. How long will it last? Nobody knows.
There were many transfers and new faces in our section during these months. My partner, EN2 ROY K. DAVIS was transferred to the mainland for duty. PBR 139 is now being SKIPPERED by a new boat captain in the person of BM1 WILLIAM (BILL) AKIN.
During these months, most of our night patrols were spent conducting "PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARES", hoping that the scattered enemies will surrender and return to the fold of the South Vietnamese democratic government. In lieu of this, the implementation of the "CHU HOI" program have started. The goal of this program was to re-habilitate and indoctrinate the enemy to a new way of life. A life that will blend and fit in with the social life of the South Vietnamese people. Hence, becoming a citizen and pledging allegiance to the Democratic Government of South Vietnam. Nevertheless, good as it may sound, I remained lackdaisical toward this program. I honestly believe that a "TIGER WILL ALWAYS BE A TIGER". Even with paint covering it's stripes, it is still a tiger.
Meanwhile, as the month of December 1968 comes to an end, the news that we are hearing about the "RIVERINE UNITS" stationed up North were not good to our ears. These units that patrols the VAM CUU DONG RIVER and TRA CU were constantly catching hell from the enemies. Boats and personnel casualties are often and seemed unstoppable. If this trend continues, all of us knew that re-inforcements will be inevitable, in the soonest of time.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Soon as we finished our NAVY breakfast, EN2 Davis and I hurriedly went to our boats.
By this time, both our crrews (PBR-139 and PBR-142) were already done with their intial check-ups. Both the gunners AND engineers gave us the THUMBS UP. With this, I went to the cockpit and swung the helm to port and starboard and watched the BOW move from side-to-side. I then revved BOTH engines, and the SOUND they made ERASED all the lingering doubts within me.
As I watched the ROK (Republic Of Korea) Assault team board the boats, I became more confident that today will be JUDGEMENT DAY for the enemy. Soon as all the ROK's were onboard, all lines were casted off...AND THE OPERATION HAD OFFICIALLY BEGUN!!!
All units of River Section 532 participated in this operation. With the ROK Tiger Division on board, it was truly a SIGHT TO SEE. I'm sure the enemies were in AWE and SURPRISED to see this sight on the waters of Qui Nhon Bay.
As we made the turn to starboard and headed towards the Eastern banks, The ROK General made his way and positioned himself beside my Front Gunner. Within 25 meters away from the beachhead, I placed both engines oon IDLE and allowed the boat to slowly glide towards the beachhead. As the keel grinded on the soft sand, the ROK General STOOD UP and looked at all the boats which were at this time were simultaneously landing on the beachhead.
Seeing this, the ROK General raised his BATON and pointed towards the Eastern shores. Like MARAUDING ANTS, the ROK Tiger Division were on the beach, hence making their sweep with "NO STONES LEFT UNTURNED" in their path. Within a few minutes they were inside the foliage.
Meanwhile, the "ROK GENERAL" with his staff and units (BOATS) remained on the beach head. Within minutes, sporadic gunfire are heard. The ROK General looked around and saw an open spot with the RUINS of an old BRICK HOUSE still standing in the middle. The ruin was approximately 35 meters from the beach head and after a brief discussion, they ROKS) decided to use it (RUIN) as a makeshift "COMMAND POST" instead of standing on the beach. The "ROK GENERAL" turned and motioned to me to come with him,With this, I turned to my crew and said, "OKAY, I'LL BE WITH THE GENERAL, KEEP A GOOD EYE ON THE BEACH." I jumped off my boat and joined the KOREANS walk towards the ruin.
With an improvised chair made from rubble, The General sat while his staff stood guard. I could hardly understand the radio communications, but just by looking at their BODY LANGUAGE and HAND GESTURES accompanied by the sound of GUNFIRE all around, I could tell that they were inflicting HEAVY CASUALTIES towards the enemy.
It was mid-afternoon when members of the ROK assault team started coming out of the foliage. With mud and dirt on their faces as well as uniforms soaked in sweat, they were definitely in for a "fight". After making their reports, the KOREANS made a human barricade around the ruins. When we got there, for whatever reason, the "ROK GENERAL" started pointing his "baton" towards the cement tiles on the floor.
With this, one of the staff member started tapping each tile with a stick until the middle of the floor was reached. He then looked at one of his soldiers and ordered him to PRY the tiles open. As each tile came off the floor, an OPEN HOLE started to come on sight. With four (4) tiles pried off, a tunnel-like entrance came into view. With ALL GUNS pointed at the entrance the interpreter started shouting orders. To our surprise, one by one the enemies started to come out. There were five (5) of them. Three (3) males and two (2) females.
One of the male enemies was still wearing his gray uniform (NORTH VIETNAMESE REGULAR). Questions were asked but without answers. With this, one of the staff member un-sheathed his "machete" and with a cutting stroke SLASHED the left leg of the enemy in gray. As the enemy fell on the floor, he loaded his M-16 with a fully loaded magazine, pointed the nozzle towards the same enemy, and FIRED until the MAGAZINE was EMPTY. Questions were AGAIN asked. Receiving no answers, another staff (ROK) grabbed ANOTHER male prisoner and dragged him inside the foliage. Within minutes, the staff member returned to our group wiping the BLOOD off his BAYONET. When the interrogation re-started, the last male enemy was SINGING LIKE A CANARY.
It was already late in the afternoon when all members of the "TIGER DIVISION" returned to the makeshift "COMMAND POST" with some enemies in tow. Orders were given to return to the boats, thus signalling the CONCLUSION of the military operations.
Back to the ship (HUNTERDON COUNTY), the sight that I've witnessed on the beach just wouldn't leave my mind. As I shared this episode with my crew and friends, all of them listened with awe and disbelief. That same evening, we were assembled in the mess deck for a little celebration. To our surprise, the mayor of QUI NHON CITY showed up and delivered a short "THANK YOU" speech. He personally expressed his gratitude to us as well as the "TIGER DIVISION" for the clean-up operations of QUI NHON BAY and it's shorelines.
As a token of gratitude, the mayor declared "QUI NHON CITY" as an "OPEN CITY" for us. Furthermore, RIVER SECTION 532 was made an HONORARY MEMBER of South Korea's TIGER DIVISION. Needless to say, that evening was "LIBERTY TIME" for all of us. What we did that night is for your guessing. "SAILORS GONNA BE SAILORS IF TIME PERMITS." Honestly, we all had a good time. If you know what I mean..
For the men of RIVER SECTION 532? I can't ask for more. The "versatility and aptitude" of the officers and men of RIVER SECTION 532 are without question the "X FACTORS" that brought success to every operation that we've participated. I am forever honored to be one of this special breed of sailors - THE BROWN WATER SAILORS OR THE RIVER RATS.
For the TIGER DIVISION? Well, long before the "QUI NHON BAY OPERATION", I've heard war stories about the "SOUTH KOREAN ARMY" OR "ROK" and their FEROCITY in battle. In these stories, it was said that the "ENEMIES CHOOSE DEATH RATHER THAN BEING CAPTURED BY THE ROK ARMY". This wasn't a story after all, it's the TRUTH. Within a short period of time that we've operated with them (ROK) , I was truly impressed with their discipline, particularly in battle. Their "KICK ASS" attitude sows fear to the enemy. I consider it a privilege to work with them anytime, anywhere.
For the captured enemies? Honestly, I'm not too concerned with their fate. Nonetheless, I have be-friended a member of the TIGER DIVISION and I called him "CHARLIE". I asked "CHARLIE" what became of the captured enemies ?
With a grin on his face and in broken english he replied, " In helicopter they TRY to ESCAPE..."
All I can say was, "Oh, is that so?". However, up to this present time, I am puzzled each time I come to think of it. I can't imagine how those enemies ESCAPED, because while on board the helicopter, the ONLY way to ESCAPE was to JUMP OFF and land in the SOUTH CHINA SEA.
For QUI NHON BAY? Here in QUI NHON BAY that I've learned that "FEELING SAFE IS NOT SAFE AT ALL". "FEELING SAFE" creates "COMPLACENCY", and"COMPLACENCY" has no place in war. This could only mean, "A SPACE INSIDE A BODY BAG".
Within a day or two, all the boats (PBR) were again hoisted back onboard. Upon completion, the ship's anchor was heaved, the colors was shifted and hoisted at the "GAP" and once again the USS HUNTERDON COUNTY(LST 821) was underway. As she clears the mouth of QUI NHON BAY, a starboard turn was made and headed towards a southerly direction. Again speculations were buzzing, but it was shortlived. Once the ship steadied on her course, "ALL HANDS" was piped followed by this announcement, "THE SHIP WILL MAKE A PORT VISIT AT NHA TRANG. LIBERTY WILL BE GRANTED IF TIME ALLOWS". This put our minds to rest and speculated on the "GOOD TIMES" in NHA TRANG. NHA TRANG was merely a passing scene for us. This was MAY 1968, only four (4) months since "TET". The enemies are still full of fight and the streets of NHA TRANG are as dangerous as ever, particularly at night. I can't recall if there was a "curfew" being implemented.
Nonetheless, our liberty was limited before sundown. Now we are faced with this dilemna. Is liberty worth the risk of being shot by the enemy in the streets of NHA TRANG? Honestly, all of us took the risk. Before the sun touches the horizon, "MUSTER" was taken. When the presence of "ALL HANDS" was accounted for, once again the ship's anchor was heaved and the USS HUNTERDON COUNTY was again on a south bound course towards the HAM LUONG RIVER. Within a day or two, we are back in the HAM LUONG. As days, weeks and months passes by, my tour in VIETNAM is slowly coming to an end.
With this, I am now faced with the hardest decision in my life: "Am I going to let my tour END or am I going to EXTEND?"
I'm hesitant to mention nor discuss this idea with my friends because I knew exactly what they'll say, "ARE YOU CRAZY?"
However, my WILL TO FIGHT for my country OVERWHELMS my fear of death. "LOGIC says no, but my heart says yes ". Soon enough I have my answer. I've discussed this notion with one of the NAVAL OFFICERS of our RIVER SECTION. This officer was LT PARKER. I've discussed lot of things with him before. Our discussions were enjoyable and at times, EDUCATIONAL in nature. LT. PARKER was open and positive as always even with my idea of "EXTENSION". In lieu of this, my request for "extension of duty in Vietnam" was filed. This was around July 1968. With a positive psychiatrist evaluation, my extension of duty was "APPROVED".
By this time, both our crrews (PBR-139 and PBR-142) were already done with their intial check-ups. Both the gunners AND engineers gave us the THUMBS UP. With this, I went to the cockpit and swung the helm to port and starboard and watched the BOW move from side-to-side. I then revved BOTH engines, and the SOUND they made ERASED all the lingering doubts within me.
As I watched the ROK (Republic Of Korea) Assault team board the boats, I became more confident that today will be JUDGEMENT DAY for the enemy. Soon as all the ROK's were onboard, all lines were casted off...AND THE OPERATION HAD OFFICIALLY BEGUN!!!
All units of River Section 532 participated in this operation. With the ROK Tiger Division on board, it was truly a SIGHT TO SEE. I'm sure the enemies were in AWE and SURPRISED to see this sight on the waters of Qui Nhon Bay.
As we made the turn to starboard and headed towards the Eastern banks, The ROK General made his way and positioned himself beside my Front Gunner. Within 25 meters away from the beachhead, I placed both engines oon IDLE and allowed the boat to slowly glide towards the beachhead. As the keel grinded on the soft sand, the ROK General STOOD UP and looked at all the boats which were at this time were simultaneously landing on the beachhead.
Seeing this, the ROK General raised his BATON and pointed towards the Eastern shores. Like MARAUDING ANTS, the ROK Tiger Division were on the beach, hence making their sweep with "NO STONES LEFT UNTURNED" in their path. Within a few minutes they were inside the foliage.
Meanwhile, the "ROK GENERAL" with his staff and units (BOATS) remained on the beach head. Within minutes, sporadic gunfire are heard. The ROK General looked around and saw an open spot with the RUINS of an old BRICK HOUSE still standing in the middle. The ruin was approximately 35 meters from the beach head and after a brief discussion, they ROKS) decided to use it (RUIN) as a makeshift "COMMAND POST" instead of standing on the beach. The "ROK GENERAL" turned and motioned to me to come with him,With this, I turned to my crew and said, "OKAY, I'LL BE WITH THE GENERAL, KEEP A GOOD EYE ON THE BEACH." I jumped off my boat and joined the KOREANS walk towards the ruin.
With an improvised chair made from rubble, The General sat while his staff stood guard. I could hardly understand the radio communications, but just by looking at their BODY LANGUAGE and HAND GESTURES accompanied by the sound of GUNFIRE all around, I could tell that they were inflicting HEAVY CASUALTIES towards the enemy.
It was mid-afternoon when members of the ROK assault team started coming out of the foliage. With mud and dirt on their faces as well as uniforms soaked in sweat, they were definitely in for a "fight". After making their reports, the KOREANS made a human barricade around the ruins. When we got there, for whatever reason, the "ROK GENERAL" started pointing his "baton" towards the cement tiles on the floor.
With this, one of the staff member started tapping each tile with a stick until the middle of the floor was reached. He then looked at one of his soldiers and ordered him to PRY the tiles open. As each tile came off the floor, an OPEN HOLE started to come on sight. With four (4) tiles pried off, a tunnel-like entrance came into view. With ALL GUNS pointed at the entrance the interpreter started shouting orders. To our surprise, one by one the enemies started to come out. There were five (5) of them. Three (3) males and two (2) females.
One of the male enemies was still wearing his gray uniform (NORTH VIETNAMESE REGULAR). Questions were asked but without answers. With this, one of the staff member un-sheathed his "machete" and with a cutting stroke SLASHED the left leg of the enemy in gray. As the enemy fell on the floor, he loaded his M-16 with a fully loaded magazine, pointed the nozzle towards the same enemy, and FIRED until the MAGAZINE was EMPTY. Questions were AGAIN asked. Receiving no answers, another staff (ROK) grabbed ANOTHER male prisoner and dragged him inside the foliage. Within minutes, the staff member returned to our group wiping the BLOOD off his BAYONET. When the interrogation re-started, the last male enemy was SINGING LIKE A CANARY.
It was already late in the afternoon when all members of the "TIGER DIVISION" returned to the makeshift "COMMAND POST" with some enemies in tow. Orders were given to return to the boats, thus signalling the CONCLUSION of the military operations.
Back to the ship (HUNTERDON COUNTY), the sight that I've witnessed on the beach just wouldn't leave my mind. As I shared this episode with my crew and friends, all of them listened with awe and disbelief. That same evening, we were assembled in the mess deck for a little celebration. To our surprise, the mayor of QUI NHON CITY showed up and delivered a short "THANK YOU" speech. He personally expressed his gratitude to us as well as the "TIGER DIVISION" for the clean-up operations of QUI NHON BAY and it's shorelines.
As a token of gratitude, the mayor declared "QUI NHON CITY" as an "OPEN CITY" for us. Furthermore, RIVER SECTION 532 was made an HONORARY MEMBER of South Korea's TIGER DIVISION. Needless to say, that evening was "LIBERTY TIME" for all of us. What we did that night is for your guessing. "SAILORS GONNA BE SAILORS IF TIME PERMITS." Honestly, we all had a good time. If you know what I mean..
For the men of RIVER SECTION 532? I can't ask for more. The "versatility and aptitude" of the officers and men of RIVER SECTION 532 are without question the "X FACTORS" that brought success to every operation that we've participated. I am forever honored to be one of this special breed of sailors - THE BROWN WATER SAILORS OR THE RIVER RATS.
For the TIGER DIVISION? Well, long before the "QUI NHON BAY OPERATION", I've heard war stories about the "SOUTH KOREAN ARMY" OR "ROK" and their FEROCITY in battle. In these stories, it was said that the "ENEMIES CHOOSE DEATH RATHER THAN BEING CAPTURED BY THE ROK ARMY". This wasn't a story after all, it's the TRUTH. Within a short period of time that we've operated with them (ROK) , I was truly impressed with their discipline, particularly in battle. Their "KICK ASS" attitude sows fear to the enemy. I consider it a privilege to work with them anytime, anywhere.
For the captured enemies? Honestly, I'm not too concerned with their fate. Nonetheless, I have be-friended a member of the TIGER DIVISION and I called him "CHARLIE". I asked "CHARLIE" what became of the captured enemies ?
With a grin on his face and in broken english he replied, " In helicopter they TRY to ESCAPE..."
All I can say was, "Oh, is that so?". However, up to this present time, I am puzzled each time I come to think of it. I can't imagine how those enemies ESCAPED, because while on board the helicopter, the ONLY way to ESCAPE was to JUMP OFF and land in the SOUTH CHINA SEA.
For QUI NHON BAY? Here in QUI NHON BAY that I've learned that "FEELING SAFE IS NOT SAFE AT ALL". "FEELING SAFE" creates "COMPLACENCY", and"COMPLACENCY" has no place in war. This could only mean, "A SPACE INSIDE A BODY BAG".
Within a day or two, all the boats (PBR) were again hoisted back onboard. Upon completion, the ship's anchor was heaved, the colors was shifted and hoisted at the "GAP" and once again the USS HUNTERDON COUNTY(LST 821) was underway. As she clears the mouth of QUI NHON BAY, a starboard turn was made and headed towards a southerly direction. Again speculations were buzzing, but it was shortlived. Once the ship steadied on her course, "ALL HANDS" was piped followed by this announcement, "THE SHIP WILL MAKE A PORT VISIT AT NHA TRANG. LIBERTY WILL BE GRANTED IF TIME ALLOWS". This put our minds to rest and speculated on the "GOOD TIMES" in NHA TRANG. NHA TRANG was merely a passing scene for us. This was MAY 1968, only four (4) months since "TET". The enemies are still full of fight and the streets of NHA TRANG are as dangerous as ever, particularly at night. I can't recall if there was a "curfew" being implemented.
Nonetheless, our liberty was limited before sundown. Now we are faced with this dilemna. Is liberty worth the risk of being shot by the enemy in the streets of NHA TRANG? Honestly, all of us took the risk. Before the sun touches the horizon, "MUSTER" was taken. When the presence of "ALL HANDS" was accounted for, once again the ship's anchor was heaved and the USS HUNTERDON COUNTY was again on a south bound course towards the HAM LUONG RIVER. Within a day or two, we are back in the HAM LUONG. As days, weeks and months passes by, my tour in VIETNAM is slowly coming to an end.
With this, I am now faced with the hardest decision in my life: "Am I going to let my tour END or am I going to EXTEND?"
I'm hesitant to mention nor discuss this idea with my friends because I knew exactly what they'll say, "ARE YOU CRAZY?"
However, my WILL TO FIGHT for my country OVERWHELMS my fear of death. "LOGIC says no, but my heart says yes ". Soon enough I have my answer. I've discussed this notion with one of the NAVAL OFFICERS of our RIVER SECTION. This officer was LT PARKER. I've discussed lot of things with him before. Our discussions were enjoyable and at times, EDUCATIONAL in nature. LT. PARKER was open and positive as always even with my idea of "EXTENSION". In lieu of this, my request for "extension of duty in Vietnam" was filed. This was around July 1968. With a positive psychiatrist evaluation, my extension of duty was "APPROVED".
Saturday, November 28, 2009
This coded message was a big surprise to all of us that were on patrol that morning. PBR-139 and PBR 142 just reached their station when I received this message. We were at the mouth of the Ham Luong River when this message came. Without hesitation, I turned the steering wheel to starboard and steered PBR 142 to a north-westernly heading to rendezvous with the USS Hunderton County which by now was steaming towards the mouth of the Ham Luong River.
PBR 139 was ahead of me, and most of the boats had already been hoisted on board when PBR 139 and PBR 142 made the rendezvous. PBR 142 was the last to be hoisted. As I climbed the "JACOB'S LADDER", my mind can't help but wonder, "Where the HELL are we going?!"
This was around the last week of April 1968." On board, we were told that our destination will be known once we get there. However, as soon as the ship entered the South China Sea and made a turn to "PORT", I knew that we were heading up NORTH. The next morning, after having a good NAVY BREAKFAST, I went up the main deck and took deep breaths of the fresh sea air. I watched the sun rise above the horizon from the starboard, and Vietnam's Eastern Coast was within view at the port side. Viewing this coastal scenery brought back memories merely a year ago.
By heart, I knew most of the landmarks on this coast, as well as the possible dangers within 15 nautical miles off the shorelines. These waters were my stomping grounds on board the USS CALIENTE (AO-56).
POINT ST. JACQUES or "VUNG TAU", NHA TRANG, QUINHON, DA NANG, CAMRANH and CHU LAI are all located on this eastern shore that ends up to the TONKIN GULF. I was now sure that one of those places were our destination. Exactly WHICH one was still the question.
Guessing got me nowhere, so, I put my mind to rest and accepted the fact that, "...regardless of place, it is "CHARLIE" that we'll be facing with." This made me more EAGER to reach our destination and finish what we were here for.
FINAL DESTINATION..........I can't recall the exact number of days we've stayed at sea. It was more or less four (4) to five (5) days. During this time, it was the ship's "IMC" that became the MOST ANTICIPATED sound through out the ship. The sound of the "BOSUN'S PIPE" playing "ALL HANDS", followed by this announcement:
"Tomorrow the ship will be at the mouth of QUI NHON BAY. Qui Nhon is our destination." This still remains vividly in my mind.
That evening went so fast. I was up before "reveille" was piped down. Soon as I dressed up, anticipation brought me to the main deck to watch the USS HUNTERDON COUNTY make her approach towards the mouth of QUI NHON BAY. As I stood there I watched the shoreline and what I saw was a picture of calmness and serenity.
However, my mind says otherwise. I knew that this is only a mask that cover the dangers that lies within. This is no longer the MEKONG RIVER wherein the enemies are SCATTERED and stretched along it's endless banks. This is now QUI NHON BAY, wherein the enemies are are WELL ENTRENCHED and confined within it's shoreline. Hunting the enemies is NO LONGER a TASK. They're HERE, and the question is who'll play the roles of "CAT" or "MOUSE".
QUI NHON BAY is an added chapter of RIVERINE WARFARE AND I'm trully honored to be a part of it. The morning muster was longer than usual. LT. GEORGE STEFFENCAVAGE and all his staff were present. "BIG GEORGE" was very specific with the details of this "operation". The word "VIETCONG" did not cause any of us to heed, however, the mention of "NORTH VIETNAM'S REGULARS", pumped blood to my head and adrenalin to my veins...Is this caused by "FEAR"? By this time, I can honestly say that I no longer have any fear for the enemy. I have encountered and engaged the enemies in countless firefights and in worst situations that could be imagined.
Through these experiences, I've learned that "FEAR" is what you think and made something out of it. "FEAR" is merely a product of imagination. If allowed to linger, "FEAR" will control your well being hence diminishing your grasp of reality, which inevitably turns into "PANIC", when "PANIC" sets in, that is whe "DISASTER" happens. To say, "TO FEAR IS HUMAN" is not appropriate in VIETNAM nor in any war. Considering ours or any soldiers' situation that's either be a casualty or killed in action (KIA), fear is an invitation for disaster. Nonetheless, I have no wish to be included in any of these situations. I've learned to trust my "GUT FEELINGS" and never allow myself to be persuaded nor be inclined to take the least favorable view of any situation(s) unfolding in front and around me. This kept my composure un-pesturbed even in the midst of battle.
This fact was literally expressed in my evaluation that says, "QM1 TRONO IS COOL IN BATTLE". A tap on my shoulder made me realize that the briefing have ended. Honestly, I was not able to pay any attention with the briefing, my mind became pre-occupied with the "NORTH VIETNAM'S REGULARS" and the urge to do battle with them was so strong within me. Only the voice that says, "HEY HUK LET'S GET SOME BREAKFAST, THIS COULD BE A LONG, LONG DAY", woke me up from my reverie, that voice gave me the assurance of safety for the days ahead and the offer was as earnest as it can be. It can only came from my best friend and partner, EN2 ROY K. DAVIS, BOAT CAPTAIN OF PBR 139. I turned and gave him a smile and said, "SURE"and down to the mess deck we went. Anyway, a good breakfast often leads to a good day, and this is what I'm looking forward to see. Our first patrol in QUI NHON BAY was merely for familiarization with the waterways.
We explored the entire area and made mental notes of all the possible dangers that we could possibly enco. FISH TRAPS in all varieties congest the water area and locations of SANDBAR'S gave us the most concern. Depending on the tides, hence they are often mislocated. This becomes so dangerous particularly during night patrols. Inland or the western side of QUI NHON BAY lies the city of QUI NHON, which we considered as the "friendly side". Adjacent to the SOUTH CHINA SEA lies it's eastern banks wherein the enemies were entrenched throughout it's shores. With trees and heavy foliage of bushes and wild gross that cover the area, this is a perfect sactuary for the enemies. Wreckage and ruins of fallen brick houses compounded the dangers that lie within. needless to say, all our firefights and SNIPER SHOTS came from this area.
This, however, worked to our favor because it made certain where the enemies are. Hence, the "Operation" was focused on this eastern shores of QUI NHON BAY. In lieu of this, it is now just the question of time to get this "Operation" unfold. I can honestly say that we are all excited for this operation to get started. The "question of time" was answered that evening when the "ROK (Republic Of Korea) TIGER DIVISION" came on board. We all knew that tomorrow will be the "D -DAY""BRIEFING" was held that same evening. Details of the "OPERATION" were discussed. Each PBR was given each assigned position with members of the "TIGER DIVISION" assault team on board. PBR-142 had the honor to have the "ROK" GENERAL on board.
Again, that evening went so fast. I was AGAIN up before reveille was piped. I went to the main deck and watched the sun as it breaks out of the horizon. I watched it rise and felt the warmth of it's golden rays touching my face. For a sailor, these warmth and brilliance are harbingers of a good day. As my mind wanders in the reverie, a tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. As ever, the tap came from my partner, EN2 ROY K. DAVIS. With a grin on his face, he asked, "HUK ARE YOU WORRIED?" I replied, "Nah!"
Next: "The ASSAULT..."
This coded message was a big surprise to all of us that were on patrol that morning. PBR-139 and PBR 142 just reached their station when I received this message. We were at the mouth of the Ham Luong River when this message came. Without hesitation, I turned the steering wheel to starboard and steered PBR 142 to a north-westernly heading to rendezvous with the USS Hunderton County which by now was steaming towards the mouth of the Ham Luong River.
PBR 139 was ahead of me, and most of the boats had already been hoisted on board when PBR 139 and PBR 142 made the rendezvous. PBR 142 was the last to be hoisted. As I climbed the "JACOB'S LADDER", my mind can't help but wonder, "Where the HELL are we going?!"
This was around the last week of April 1968.
By heart, I knew most of the landmarks on this coast, as well as the possible dangers within 15 nautical miles off the shorelines. These waters were my stomping grounds on board the USS CALIENTE (AO-56).
POINT ST. JACQUES or "VUNG TAU", NHA TRANG, QUINHON, DA NANG, CAMRANH and CHU LAI are all located on this eastern shore that ends up to the TONKIN GULF. I was now sure that one of those places were our destination. Exactly WHICH one was still the question.
Guessing got me nowhere, so, I put my mind to rest and accepted the fact that, "...regardless of place, it is "CHARLIE" that we'll be facing with." This made me more EAGER to reach our destination and finish what we were here for.
FINAL DESTINATION..........I can't recall the exact number of days we've stayed at sea. It was more or less four (4) to five (5) days. During this time, it was the ship's "IMC" that became the MOST ANTICIPATED sound through out the ship. The sound of the "BOSUN'S PIPE" playing "ALL HANDS", followed by this announcement:
"Tomorrow the ship will be at the mouth of QUI NHON BAY. Qui Nhon is our destination." This still remains vividly in my mind.
That evening went so fast. I was up before "reveille" was piped down. Soon as I dressed up, anticipation brought me to the main deck to watch the USS HUNTERDON COUNTY make her approach towards the mouth of QUI NHON BAY. As I stood there I watched the shoreline and what I saw was a picture of calmness and serenity.
However, my mind says otherwise. I knew that this is only a mask that cover the dangers that lies within. This is no longer the MEKONG RIVER wherein the enemies are SCATTERED and stretched along it's endless banks. This is now QUI NHON BAY, wherein the enemies are are WELL ENTRENCHED and confined within it's shoreline. Hunting the enemies is NO LONGER a TASK. They're HERE, and the question is who'll play the roles of "CAT" or "MOUSE".
QUI NHON BAY is an added chapter of RIVERINE WARFARE AND I'm trully honored to be a part of it. The morning muster was longer than usual. LT. GEORGE STEFFENCAVAGE and all his staff were present. "BIG GEORGE" was very specific with the details of this "operation". The word "VIETCONG" did not cause any of us to heed, however, the mention of "NORTH VIETNAM'S REGULARS", pumped blood to my head and adrenalin to my veins...Is this caused by "FEAR"? By this time, I can honestly say that I no longer have any fear for the enemy. I have encountered and engaged the enemies in countless firefights and in worst situations that could be imagined.
Through these experiences, I've learned that "FEAR" is what you think and made something out of it. "FEAR" is merely a product of imagination. If allowed to linger, "FEAR" will control your well being hence diminishing your grasp of reality, which inevitably turns into "PANIC", when "PANIC" sets in, that is whe "DISASTER" happens. To say, "TO FEAR IS HUMAN" is not appropriate in VIETNAM nor in any war. Considering ours or any soldiers' situation that's either be a casualty or killed in action (KIA), fear is an invitation for disaster. Nonetheless, I have no wish to be included in any of these situations. I've learned to trust my "GUT FEELINGS" and never allow myself to be persuaded nor be inclined to take the least favorable view of any situation(s) unfolding in front and around me. This kept my composure un-pesturbed even in the midst of battle.
This fact was literally expressed in my evaluation that says, "QM1 TRONO IS COOL IN BATTLE". A tap on my shoulder made me realize that the briefing have ended. Honestly, I was not able to pay any attention with the briefing, my mind became pre-occupied with the "NORTH VIETNAM'S REGULARS" and the urge to do battle with them was so strong within me. Only the voice that says, "HEY HUK LET'S GET SOME BREAKFAST, THIS COULD BE A LONG, LONG DAY", woke me up from my reverie, that voice gave me the assurance of safety for the days ahead and the offer was as earnest as it can be. It can only came from my best friend and partner, EN2 ROY K. DAVIS, BOAT CAPTAIN OF PBR 139. I turned and gave him a smile and said, "SURE"and down to the mess deck we went. Anyway, a good breakfast often leads to a good day, and this is what I'm looking forward to see. Our first patrol in QUI NHON BAY was merely for familiarization with the waterways.
We explored the entire area and made mental notes of all the possible dangers that we could possibly enco. FISH TRAPS in all varieties congest the water area and locations of SANDBAR'S gave us the most concern. Depending on the tides, hence they are often mislocated. This becomes so dangerous particularly during night patrols. Inland or the western side of QUI NHON BAY lies the city of QUI NHON, which we considered as the "friendly side". Adjacent to the SOUTH CHINA SEA lies it's eastern banks wherein the enemies were entrenched throughout it's shores. With trees and heavy foliage of bushes and wild gross that cover the area, this is a perfect sactuary for the enemies. Wreckage and ruins of fallen brick houses compounded the dangers that lie within. needless to say, all our firefights and SNIPER SHOTS came from this area.
This, however, worked to our favor because it made certain where the enemies are. Hence, the "Operation" was focused on this eastern shores of QUI NHON BAY. In lieu of this, it is now just the question of time to get this "Operation" unfold. I can honestly say that we are all excited for this operation to get started. The "question of time" was answered that evening when the "ROK (Republic Of Korea) TIGER DIVISION" came on board. We all knew that tomorrow will be the "D -DAY""BRIEFING" was held that same evening. Details of the "OPERATION" were discussed. Each PBR was given each assigned position with members of the "TIGER DIVISION" assault team on board. PBR-142 had the honor to have the "ROK" GENERAL on board.
Again, that evening went so fast. I was AGAIN up before reveille was piped. I went to the main deck and watched the sun as it breaks out of the horizon. I watched it rise and felt the warmth of it's golden rays touching my face. For a sailor, these warmth and brilliance are harbingers of a good day. As my mind wanders in the reverie, a tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. As ever, the tap came from my partner, EN2 ROY K. DAVIS. With a grin on his face, he asked, "HUK ARE YOU WORRIED?" I replied, "Nah!"
Next: "The ASSAULT..."
"USS Hunderton County (LST 821)..."
February 1968 opened a new chapter of my war experiences in SOUTH VIETNAM.
RIVER SECTION 532 was transfered on board USS HUNTERDON COUNTY [LST-821) For sailors, to be onboard a ship is like being at ho the me. Honestly, this is how I feel on board each ship that I have sailed. My world evolves in the Pacific and other oceans as well as seas in the Western hemisphere including the Antarctic. However, on board the HUNTERDON COUNTY, it's neither an ocean nor sea that I'm dealing with. Instead, it is one of the "CUU LONG", or "NINE DRAGONS".
This is the vietnamese name for the nine branches of the Mekong river that flows out to the South China Sea. And the "DRAGON" that I am refering to is the "HAM LUONG RIVER". Once a safe commercial waterway, HAM LUONG RIVER is now a "DEATH ALLEY" with the VIETCONG and NORTH VIETNAMESE REGULARS infiltrating the local villages located on both river banks. Hence, snipers and ambush squads became our daily concerns and worst nightmares.
The major city, BEN TRE, once prosperous is now partly devastated by war. The resident,s are now either friendly, enemy or enemy symphatizers. At it,s entrance, or "BEN TRE CANAL", stood a '"RED BRICK HOUSE" that became a landmark for every PBR crew that patrolled the HAM LUONG. I can honestly say that in one of our patrols whether day or night, each of us was fired at by VIETCONG SNIPERS-positioned somewhere inside that RED BRICK HOUSE. To express our spite, each patrol tacitly made firing runs that almost leveled that BRICK HOUSE to the ground. Needless to say, this stopped the "SNIPER"S ACTIVITY" in that area.
Nonetheless, we all know that this is not the end of it. There's still the whole stretch of the HAM LUONG RIVER to worry about. The entire area of the HAM LUONG RIVER is designated as a "FREE FIRE ZONE". This means that the entire area was considered as a "SPHERE OF INFLUENCE" of the enemy. In lieu of this, all boats on patrol must constantly move. This is same with the HUNTERDON COUNTY. The HAM LUONG is not as wide as the CUA DAM RIVER where staying in the middle is considered safe. On the other hand, in the HAM LUONG RIVER any spot is within the sniper,s range. Furthermore, being only a month since the start of the "TET OFFENSIVE", the NORTH VIETNAM'S REGULARS[NVR] are still well entrenched in the area. To have the combination of the NVR and Vietcong only meant "DOUBLE TROUBLE" for us. With this in mind, each of us became more observative and speculative in regard to any obvious or peculiar scenes and activities of the river traffics. This is same with the movements on both river banks.
All of us knew, that any mis-judgement on our part could lure and lead us into an ambush, which the enemies are well capable of. Most of us had been through this situation before and needless to say, none of us like to go through it again. Each patrol could be our last, and honestly speaking, I don't want to push my luck. I believe that I can contribute more to the WAR EFFORT by staying alive rather than being a statistic of WAR.
Being new in the area, getting familiar with the topography of the area is imperative for all of us. This contributes highly to our safety. Each estuary canal and nooks at the riverbanks are potential sites for an ambush. Hence, every bit of information is a blessing for all of us. But, who will be the source of these informations? Surely not from the enemy. It will be from no one else but us. Thereafter, at the end of each patrol, We have made a point to share each experiences of the day including river traffics and human traffics at the riverbanks. Repetitive as it may seem, nonetheless, this gave us the "RIVERSMARTS" that helped us elude numerous ambush attempts by the enemy.
Although the river traffic was not as congested as the "CUA DAI" and "CUA TIEU", the firefights, however, were plenty. '"PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE" were conducted constantly, particularly by the night patrols. As I've said before, this type of warfare is an invitation for a firefight.
Operations with the "NAVY SEALS" were also conducted often. In retrospect, one of the biggest "ARMS & AMMUNITION CACHE" made by units of RIVER SECTION 532 and the US NAVY SEALS was in one of these operations. Notwithstanding all the dangers that we"ve faced each day, I can honestly say that our morale stays on it's highest. This can only be attributed to the leadership of our NAVAL OFFICERS in the persons of LT. GEORGE STEFENCAVAGE, LT. CHIARUTTINI, LT. KEN NELSON, LT. JAN GILBERTSON, and LT. PARKER. These NAVAL OFFICERS goes out on patrols; get into firefights and eat "C-RATS" with us. They are one of us and this takes "GUTS'. This emphatic behaviour kept our "FIGHTING SPIRIT" burning at all times. Their"SOLIDNESS"was the virtue that made RIVER SECTION 532 a "FORCE" to be reckon with, particularly to the enemies. This notoriety have spread and reached the NORTHERNMOST tributaries of the MEKONG RIVER including the VAN CUU DONG RIVER (PURPLE HEART ALLEY), QUI NHON BAY and TRACU.
Next: "Destination...UNKNOWN"...
RIVER SECTION 532 was transfered on board USS HUNTERDON COUNTY [LST-821) For sailors, to be onboard a ship is like being at ho the me. Honestly, this is how I feel on board each ship that I have sailed. My world evolves in the Pacific and other oceans as well as seas in the Western hemisphere including the Antarctic. However, on board the HUNTERDON COUNTY, it's neither an ocean nor sea that I'm dealing with. Instead, it is one of the "CUU LONG", or "NINE DRAGONS".
This is the vietnamese name for the nine branches of the Mekong river that flows out to the South China Sea. And the "DRAGON" that I am refering to is the "HAM LUONG RIVER". Once a safe commercial waterway, HAM LUONG RIVER is now a "DEATH ALLEY" with the VIETCONG and NORTH VIETNAMESE REGULARS infiltrating the local villages located on both river banks. Hence, snipers and ambush squads became our daily concerns and worst nightmares.
The major city, BEN TRE, once prosperous is now partly devastated by war. The resident,s are now either friendly, enemy or enemy symphatizers. At it,s entrance, or "BEN TRE CANAL", stood a '"RED BRICK HOUSE" that became a landmark for every PBR crew that patrolled the HAM LUONG. I can honestly say that in one of our patrols whether day or night, each of us was fired at by VIETCONG SNIPERS-positioned somewhere inside that RED BRICK HOUSE. To express our spite, each patrol tacitly made firing runs that almost leveled that BRICK HOUSE to the ground. Needless to say, this stopped the "SNIPER"S ACTIVITY" in that area.
Nonetheless, we all know that this is not the end of it. There's still the whole stretch of the HAM LUONG RIVER to worry about. The entire area of the HAM LUONG RIVER is designated as a "FREE FIRE ZONE". This means that the entire area was considered as a "SPHERE OF INFLUENCE" of the enemy. In lieu of this, all boats on patrol must constantly move. This is same with the HUNTERDON COUNTY. The HAM LUONG is not as wide as the CUA DAM RIVER where staying in the middle is considered safe. On the other hand, in the HAM LUONG RIVER any spot is within the sniper,s range. Furthermore, being only a month since the start of the "TET OFFENSIVE", the NORTH VIETNAM'S REGULARS[NVR] are still well entrenched in the area. To have the combination of the NVR and Vietcong only meant "DOUBLE TROUBLE" for us. With this in mind, each of us became more observative and speculative in regard to any obvious or peculiar scenes and activities of the river traffics. This is same with the movements on both river banks.
All of us knew, that any mis-judgement on our part could lure and lead us into an ambush, which the enemies are well capable of. Most of us had been through this situation before and needless to say, none of us like to go through it again. Each patrol could be our last, and honestly speaking, I don't want to push my luck. I believe that I can contribute more to the WAR EFFORT by staying alive rather than being a statistic of WAR.
Being new in the area, getting familiar with the topography of the area is imperative for all of us. This contributes highly to our safety. Each estuary canal and nooks at the riverbanks are potential sites for an ambush. Hence, every bit of information is a blessing for all of us. But, who will be the source of these informations? Surely not from the enemy. It will be from no one else but us. Thereafter, at the end of each patrol, We have made a point to share each experiences of the day including river traffics and human traffics at the riverbanks. Repetitive as it may seem, nonetheless, this gave us the "RIVERSMARTS" that helped us elude numerous ambush attempts by the enemy.
Although the river traffic was not as congested as the "CUA DAI" and "CUA TIEU", the firefights, however, were plenty. '"PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE" were conducted constantly, particularly by the night patrols. As I've said before, this type of warfare is an invitation for a firefight.
Operations with the "NAVY SEALS" were also conducted often. In retrospect, one of the biggest "ARMS & AMMUNITION CACHE" made by units of RIVER SECTION 532 and the US NAVY SEALS was in one of these operations. Notwithstanding all the dangers that we"ve faced each day, I can honestly say that our morale stays on it's highest. This can only be attributed to the leadership of our NAVAL OFFICERS in the persons of LT. GEORGE STEFENCAVAGE, LT. CHIARUTTINI, LT. KEN NELSON, LT. JAN GILBERTSON, and LT. PARKER. These NAVAL OFFICERS goes out on patrols; get into firefights and eat "C-RATS" with us. They are one of us and this takes "GUTS'. This emphatic behaviour kept our "FIGHTING SPIRIT" burning at all times. Their"SOLIDNESS"was the virtue that made RIVER SECTION 532 a "FORCE" to be reckon with, particularly to the enemies. This notoriety have spread and reached the NORTHERNMOST tributaries of the MEKONG RIVER including the VAN CUU DONG RIVER (PURPLE HEART ALLEY), QUI NHON BAY and TRACU.
Next: "Destination...UNKNOWN"...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
LCDR George Steffencavage. Commanding Officer of River Section 532 from March 1968 - March 1969. He was one hard-charging, no bullshit sonuvagun. I was hoping I would run into him again after our time in Vietnam, but unfortunately I found out that he had PASSED AWAY in 1989.
At the battle of Tinh Luong River, he was SO COOL in battle. He has GUTS. I am so honored to have served under him.
Rest easy, Sir. I wish that I could have fought alongside you once more. Until we meet again.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Like any festival held in various parts of the world, including SOUTHEAST ASIA, the celebration starts and ends up with a "BANG'. These "BANGS" were made mostly by "FIRECRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES and any other man-made contraptions that could make loud noises with a "BIG BANG" impact. Being new in VIETNAM, this is what I've expected. However, the "TET FESTIVAL" that I've experienced in SOUTH VIETNAM, was not in it's normal script. The "BIG BANGS" that I've heard during the dark hours of 28 January 1968 were not from "FIRE CRACKERS" nor "ROMAN CANDLES", and rather, these "BANGS" were louder and deadly. These "BANGS" were made by live MORTARS, B40 ROCKETS and VIETCONG'S AK-47 aimed on all U.S. and SOUTH VIETNAMESE military and government installations, including our RIVERINE HEADQUARTERS at MYTHO,SOUTH VIETNAM. This shower of live MORTARS and ROCKETS started shortly after MIDNIGHT and continued until the dawn of the new day. This was too "BLOODY" to be a festival, rather, it was a "MILITARY OFFENSIVE" executed by NORTH VIETNAM'S REGULAR ARMY together with the communist guerillas of SOUTH VIETNAM or "VIETCONG". This "OFFENSIVE" was concieved and masterminded by non other than GENERAL BO NGUYEN GIAP [SUPREME MILITARY COMMANDER OF NORTH VIETNAM] with no other goal but to destroy all US and allied military forces and destabilize the current SOUTH VIETNAMESE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. Needless to say, this "offensive" was patterned with the "BATTLE OF BIEN BIEN PHU", where in he (Giap) emerged the victor against the FRENCH ARMY. This victory ended the colonization and rule of the FRENCH GOVERNMENT over the "FRENCH INDO CHINA" which is now the modern day "VIETNAM". However, to dwell on past "KUDOS"did not work to GIAP'S favor. GENERAL GIAP'S expectations for another "BIEN BIEN PHU" did not unfold. He (GIAP) now realized that it is not the FRENCH ARMY that he is faced with. Undermining the resiliency of the UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES is like "PISSING AGAINST THE WIND ". This he soon found out.
In retrospect, there were no peculiar nor obvious incidents that could be describe as harbingers of the '68 TET OFFENSIVE. It was the usual traffic and same faces in the Mekong River. A reddish hue covers the horizon as the sun starts to descend in the west. In my years at sea this foretells a fair weather for tommorrow, and I am truly looking forward to it. As I head towards MYTHO after a days patrol, my mind was full of anticipation for what tomorrow may bring. With all mooring lines secured and all the maintenance checks were done, I told my crew to call it a day and head up to the mess hall to catch the last serving of the evening meal. This was 27 January 1968. In the mess hall, the ambiance was the usual fun with the "Head Cook". I can't remember his name. I think it's MS1 JOHNSON, an African American with a grumpy attitude on late meals. Knowing this, EN2 DAVIS, myself and crews of PBR 139 and PBR 142 intentionaly take our time in eating our meals. He (JOHNSON) continuosly remind us about the closing time. Each time he does this, we just continue our meals without minding him. And this really pisses him off, nonetheless this is what we really want. A few minutes after closing time, we will all stand up and often EN2 Davis will make a comment about the meal and laughter soon followed. Hearing this, MS1 Johnson's reply were always these words,"YOU ASSHOLES WILL COME LATE AND EAT MY CHOW AND STILL COMPLAINS. NEXT TIME GO TO THE MOTHER-F__KING CUU LONG' (Cuu Long is a local restaurant). With this , all of us will burst into laughter including MS1 Johnson himself. He will shake his head and make a pushing gesture of his hands and walk off. I am sure that he knew that after a day's patrol we just want to have fun, and Johnson played along with us. Having "Combat Rations" or "C-Rats" day in and day out, night in and night out, any cooked meal is a luxury for us. Considering the make shift galley and the wartime conditions that we are in, MS1 Johnson did his very best to serve us this 'LUXURY'. I am trully grateful to him for that. The "Fun" that we had with him will always be a part of my Vietnam experience.
After a cold shower, I quickly jump in my rack hoping to get a good start with my sleep. In this humid weather, the best time to hit your rack is right after a cold shower, while your body temperature is still cool. If you can't catch a sleep at this stage, it will be hard to catch one when humidity starts to set in. I said "Goodnight" to my crew; said my prayer and hope for a safe patrol the next day.
The noises were unfamiliar. It was still too dark and I'm sure that it was not 'CHICKEN MAN' that woke me up. Sounds of footsteps were echoing on the corridors of HOTEL MYTHO with loud voices that said, "WE'RE HIT, WE'RE HIT'. I jumped out of bed and woke my crew. I told them to dress up and be ready for whatever is coming, because I myself don't have any idea what is going on. Sounds of gunfires are now being heard coming from the streets of MYTHO. Words came about to report to the HEADQUARTERS, with utmost caution because of the firefights between the South Vietnamese Army and the Vietcongs in the streets and alleys of Mytho. The HQ is only across the street and being caught in a crossfire is a high possibility. The Vietcongs have already infiltrated the streets and to be ambushed added more dilemna to our present situation. I looked at my watch and it was around 3:00 AM 28 January 1968. At the HQ, we were told that a rocket landed on the water reservoir on the roof of Hotel Mytho. Fortunately nobody was hurt. We were ordered to get all the boats out of the boat pool. With enemy bombs and rockets falling everywhere, it will be just a matter of time that it will find it's mark and cause casualties to the 'PBRS' tied up in the boat pool. At the same time, driving to the boat pool was as much dangerous itself. Nonetheless, we all jumped into any vehicle available , and without minding the dangers of the present situation, drove as fast as we can to the boat pool. Amidst the sound of gunfire we reached boat pool safely and dashed to our boats. Unfortunately, I had a misfortune jumping into my boat (PBR 142). The deck plate that covers the STARBOARD BILGE PUMP was left open, and my right leg went in. I yanked it out and twisted my knee in the process. Without minding the pain, I ordered my crew to 'CLEAR ALL LINES' and steered PBR 142 out of the boat pool to safety. All the boats converged at the middle of the river to wait for further orders. Soon, orders to resume the scheduled patrols came with words of caution, 'BE VIGILANT AND BE MORE CAREFUL. THIS IS THE TET OFFENSIVE', added to it.
Our patrols that day were longer than scheduled. We remained on station until the coded message was received that informed us that it's akready safe to return to homebase. It was already dark when we reach homebase. Late meals were served and the mess hall was buzzing with all the stories that happened that day. In the headquarters, we were briefed about the other river units that suffered casualties. I was sad upon hearing these reports, because members of my PBR class are attached to some of these units. On the other hand I am glad that RIVER SECTION 532 suffered no casualty at all.
It was a long and hectic day, my mind and body was already feeling it's toll. Beside the busted water reservoir, HOTEL MYTHO was still standing and I can't hardly wait to get into our room. The cold shower took all the stress out of my mind and body. After a short discussion with my crew, I look out of the window and stared at the moonlit sky and said , "Thanks for sparing us today". I hit my rack hoping to hear the voice of "Chicken Man" at the break of dawn as the start of a new day.
The initial wave of the 'TET OFFENSIVE' truly caught the ALLIED FORCES by surprise, particularly the ones stationed up North. "HANOI HANNAH'S' voice constantly covers the VIETNAMESE AIR WAVES blaring about the NORTH VIETNAM REGULARS and VIETCONG'S victories in all battlefields. The siege at KHE SAN, CU CHI and other ALLIED BASES up NORTH as well as the sinking of a YRBM, homebase of a RIVERINE FORCE that patrols the HAM LUONG river, caused sadness to all of us. On the other hand, these reports made us more aggresive. With these, each patrol intensified it's search and inspections of all river traffic without exception. Inevitably, this yielded 'CACHE' of enemies' supply provisions, particularly medicines. These medicines were often hid inside obvious places such as 'BRASSIERES', underwear and inside the loaves of 'FRENCH BREAD' stacked on board water taxis supposedly headed for the public markets. I'm sure that our interventions also caused problems and concerns to the enemies. And as ever, the PBR and crew remained on top of the vietcong's hit list.
Although the Vietcong's activities were rampant, a "HEAD-ON" confrontation with the PBR'S were avoided. The Vietcong resorted to "SNIPERS" taking pot shots at us from the riverbanks. This kept us on edge and vigilance became our top concern at all times. In the midst of all of these, MEDICAL EVACUATIONS of local civilians caught in the middle of AERIAL BOMBINGS of NAPALM became one of our constant chores. The smell of the burnt and blistered bodies often remained stuck in my olfactory nerve for days hence affecting my appetite. Worst of all, most of us suffered LBM (Loose Bowel Movement) for reasons nobody seems to know. For remedial purposes, we were given "quinine tablets". For days we took these tablets. In lieu of this, the headquarters, particularly the mess hall became a bedlam of causation informations. Although we were not given any official reasons, in regards to it's source or cause, most of us believed in one unofficial source. That is-----decomposed bodies of Vietcongs were found at the bottom of the water reservoir wherein our drinking water was coming from. The thought of this still gives me the creeps and make my stomach turn up to this present time.
In retrospect, there were no peculiar nor obvious incidents that could be describe as harbingers of the '68 TET OFFENSIVE. It was the usual traffic and same faces in the Mekong River. A reddish hue covers the horizon as the sun starts to descend in the west. In my years at sea this foretells a fair weather for tommorrow, and I am truly looking forward to it. As I head towards MYTHO after a days patrol, my mind was full of anticipation for what tomorrow may bring. With all mooring lines secured and all the maintenance checks were done, I told my crew to call it a day and head up to the mess hall to catch the last serving of the evening meal. This was 27 January 1968. In the mess hall, the ambiance was the usual fun with the "Head Cook". I can't remember his name. I think it's MS1 JOHNSON, an African American with a grumpy attitude on late meals. Knowing this, EN2 DAVIS, myself and crews of PBR 139 and PBR 142 intentionaly take our time in eating our meals. He (JOHNSON) continuosly remind us about the closing time. Each time he does this, we just continue our meals without minding him. And this really pisses him off, nonetheless this is what we really want. A few minutes after closing time, we will all stand up and often EN2 Davis will make a comment about the meal and laughter soon followed. Hearing this, MS1 Johnson's reply were always these words,"YOU ASSHOLES WILL COME LATE AND EAT MY CHOW AND STILL COMPLAINS. NEXT TIME GO TO THE MOTHER-F__KING CUU LONG' (Cuu Long is a local restaurant). With this , all of us will burst into laughter including MS1 Johnson himself. He will shake his head and make a pushing gesture of his hands and walk off. I am sure that he knew that after a day's patrol we just want to have fun, and Johnson played along with us. Having "Combat Rations" or "C-Rats" day in and day out, night in and night out, any cooked meal is a luxury for us. Considering the make shift galley and the wartime conditions that we are in, MS1 Johnson did his very best to serve us this 'LUXURY'. I am trully grateful to him for that. The "Fun" that we had with him will always be a part of my Vietnam experience.
After a cold shower, I quickly jump in my rack hoping to get a good start with my sleep. In this humid weather, the best time to hit your rack is right after a cold shower, while your body temperature is still cool. If you can't catch a sleep at this stage, it will be hard to catch one when humidity starts to set in. I said "Goodnight" to my crew; said my prayer and hope for a safe patrol the next day.
The noises were unfamiliar. It was still too dark and I'm sure that it was not 'CHICKEN MAN' that woke me up. Sounds of footsteps were echoing on the corridors of HOTEL MYTHO with loud voices that said, "WE'RE HIT, WE'RE HIT'. I jumped out of bed and woke my crew. I told them to dress up and be ready for whatever is coming, because I myself don't have any idea what is going on. Sounds of gunfires are now being heard coming from the streets of MYTHO. Words came about to report to the HEADQUARTERS, with utmost caution because of the firefights between the South Vietnamese Army and the Vietcongs in the streets and alleys of Mytho. The HQ is only across the street and being caught in a crossfire is a high possibility. The Vietcongs have already infiltrated the streets and to be ambushed added more dilemna to our present situation. I looked at my watch and it was around 3:00 AM 28 January 1968. At the HQ, we were told that a rocket landed on the water reservoir on the roof of Hotel Mytho. Fortunately nobody was hurt. We were ordered to get all the boats out of the boat pool. With enemy bombs and rockets falling everywhere, it will be just a matter of time that it will find it's mark and cause casualties to the 'PBRS' tied up in the boat pool. At the same time, driving to the boat pool was as much dangerous itself. Nonetheless, we all jumped into any vehicle available , and without minding the dangers of the present situation, drove as fast as we can to the boat pool. Amidst the sound of gunfire we reached boat pool safely and dashed to our boats. Unfortunately, I had a misfortune jumping into my boat (PBR 142). The deck plate that covers the STARBOARD BILGE PUMP was left open, and my right leg went in. I yanked it out and twisted my knee in the process. Without minding the pain, I ordered my crew to 'CLEAR ALL LINES' and steered PBR 142 out of the boat pool to safety. All the boats converged at the middle of the river to wait for further orders. Soon, orders to resume the scheduled patrols came with words of caution, 'BE VIGILANT AND BE MORE CAREFUL. THIS IS THE TET OFFENSIVE', added to it.
Our patrols that day were longer than scheduled. We remained on station until the coded message was received that informed us that it's akready safe to return to homebase. It was already dark when we reach homebase. Late meals were served and the mess hall was buzzing with all the stories that happened that day. In the headquarters, we were briefed about the other river units that suffered casualties. I was sad upon hearing these reports, because members of my PBR class are attached to some of these units. On the other hand I am glad that RIVER SECTION 532 suffered no casualty at all.
It was a long and hectic day, my mind and body was already feeling it's toll. Beside the busted water reservoir, HOTEL MYTHO was still standing and I can't hardly wait to get into our room. The cold shower took all the stress out of my mind and body. After a short discussion with my crew, I look out of the window and stared at the moonlit sky and said , "Thanks for sparing us today". I hit my rack hoping to hear the voice of "Chicken Man" at the break of dawn as the start of a new day.
The initial wave of the 'TET OFFENSIVE' truly caught the ALLIED FORCES by surprise, particularly the ones stationed up North. "HANOI HANNAH'S' voice constantly covers the VIETNAMESE AIR WAVES blaring about the NORTH VIETNAM REGULARS and VIETCONG'S victories in all battlefields. The siege at KHE SAN, CU CHI and other ALLIED BASES up NORTH as well as the sinking of a YRBM, homebase of a RIVERINE FORCE that patrols the HAM LUONG river, caused sadness to all of us. On the other hand, these reports made us more aggresive. With these, each patrol intensified it's search and inspections of all river traffic without exception. Inevitably, this yielded 'CACHE' of enemies' supply provisions, particularly medicines. These medicines were often hid inside obvious places such as 'BRASSIERES', underwear and inside the loaves of 'FRENCH BREAD' stacked on board water taxis supposedly headed for the public markets. I'm sure that our interventions also caused problems and concerns to the enemies. And as ever, the PBR and crew remained on top of the vietcong's hit list.
Although the Vietcong's activities were rampant, a "HEAD-ON" confrontation with the PBR'S were avoided. The Vietcong resorted to "SNIPERS" taking pot shots at us from the riverbanks. This kept us on edge and vigilance became our top concern at all times. In the midst of all of these, MEDICAL EVACUATIONS of local civilians caught in the middle of AERIAL BOMBINGS of NAPALM became one of our constant chores. The smell of the burnt and blistered bodies often remained stuck in my olfactory nerve for days hence affecting my appetite. Worst of all, most of us suffered LBM (Loose Bowel Movement) for reasons nobody seems to know. For remedial purposes, we were given "quinine tablets". For days we took these tablets. In lieu of this, the headquarters, particularly the mess hall became a bedlam of causation informations. Although we were not given any official reasons, in regards to it's source or cause, most of us believed in one unofficial source. That is-----decomposed bodies of Vietcongs were found at the bottom of the water reservoir wherein our drinking water was coming from. The thought of this still gives me the creeps and make my stomach turn up to this present time.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The MORNING after...
"Chicken Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn!!! He's EVERYWHERE, He's EVERYWHERE!!!"
That was a VERY welcome sound that morning. I knew that "Chicken Man" was the start of a new day. My crew was still asleep, so I cleaned and dressed up to catch the last serving of breakfast. I stopped by EN2 Davis' room, but he was already out. As I stepped inside the improvised MESS HALL, I could feel all eyes staring at me. The BATTLE AT TINH LUONG was already known and was the topis of conversation for everyone inside the mess hall. I could see in their eyes the PRIDE and JOY they felt towards me.
Suddenly, a familiar voice came out saying "Hey Huk! Get your ASS down here!" Well, what more could I say? My tray was full and there was nothing better than to sit down with my best friend while FEASTING on the "Good Ol' Navy Chow".
Late in the afternoon, both crews of PBR-142 and PBR-139 were told to take four (4) days off BUT TO STAY WITHIN THE HEADQUARTERS COMPOUND AT ALL TIMES. Undoubtedly, this was to let the Tinh Luong incident COOL DOWN. Needless to say, the Vietcong were SO PISSED that they would try ANYTHING to even up the score.
On the morning of the fourth day, we were informed that twenty-seven (27) bodies floated in the Tinh Luong River. Vietcong were known to carry the bodies of their dead comrades out of the battlefield to CONCEAL THEIR LOSSES. Nevertheless, the number wasn't bad for one (1) firefight. I CUT A NOTCH on the handle of my .38-Cal pistol. This was for that "something" that was bobbing in the water. I'm DAMN SURE of that one.
After having lunch, both crews of PBR-142 and PBR-139 went to the boat pool to get the our boats ready for next day's patrol. As usual, my "transistor radio" was playing as we did our chores. Consequently, "Radio Hanoi" was on the air and "Hanoi Hannah" was blasting away with her usual "war news" in english.
Most of it were propagandas detailing the Vietcong "victories" in the battlefield and one of which was the Battle of Tinh Luong including the American Casualties". We laughed at it and simultaneously said, "You Lying Bitch". I shooked my head and changed the station to the "FAR EAST NETWORK" or "FEN". The song that was playing was more encouraging and soothing to my ears." 'TYRONE DAVIS' was just starting his rendition of "BABY LET ME CHANGE MY MIND".
This trully made me laugh because I am now on my first month of extension of duty in VIETNAM. It is rather too late for me to change my mind. This song became a part of me. O made sure to have a copy of it at this time. Each time I play it, all the memories of VIETNAM, particularly the'BATTLE AT TINH LUONG' starts flashing in my mind. For the VIETCONG? Well, Good Luck next time" However, unless they will have eyes in the dark, the odds remain same and still, 'THEIR ASSES ARE GRASS'. For EN2 DONALD DAVIS and the crews of PBR 142 and PBR 139? "THEY ARE BEYOND COMPARE". They are the 'DREAM TEAM' that can only be formed inWARTIME. FEAR OF VIETCONG? I honestly doubt that.
I consider it an honor to serve these NAVAL OFFICERS in VIETNAM or in any war that may come. We might be world apart at this present time or we might not be able to see each other in this lifetime, nonetheless in my reveries and dreams they all come to life. These memories will stay with me even in my after life.
Next: "USS Hunderton County (LST-821)..."
That was a VERY welcome sound that morning. I knew that "Chicken Man" was the start of a new day. My crew was still asleep, so I cleaned and dressed up to catch the last serving of breakfast. I stopped by EN2 Davis' room, but he was already out. As I stepped inside the improvised MESS HALL, I could feel all eyes staring at me. The BATTLE AT TINH LUONG was already known and was the topis of conversation for everyone inside the mess hall. I could see in their eyes the PRIDE and JOY they felt towards me.
Suddenly, a familiar voice came out saying "Hey Huk! Get your ASS down here!" Well, what more could I say? My tray was full and there was nothing better than to sit down with my best friend while FEASTING on the "Good Ol' Navy Chow".
Late in the afternoon, both crews of PBR-142 and PBR-139 were told to take four (4) days off BUT TO STAY WITHIN THE HEADQUARTERS COMPOUND AT ALL TIMES. Undoubtedly, this was to let the Tinh Luong incident COOL DOWN. Needless to say, the Vietcong were SO PISSED that they would try ANYTHING to even up the score.
On the morning of the fourth day, we were informed that twenty-seven (27) bodies floated in the Tinh Luong River. Vietcong were known to carry the bodies of their dead comrades out of the battlefield to CONCEAL THEIR LOSSES. Nevertheless, the number wasn't bad for one (1) firefight. I CUT A NOTCH on the handle of my .38-Cal pistol. This was for that "something" that was bobbing in the water. I'm DAMN SURE of that one.
After having lunch, both crews of PBR-142 and PBR-139 went to the boat pool to get the our boats ready for next day's patrol. As usual, my "transistor radio" was playing as we did our chores. Consequently, "Radio Hanoi" was on the air and "Hanoi Hannah" was blasting away with her usual "war news" in english.
Most of it were propagandas detailing the Vietcong "victories" in the battlefield and one of which was the Battle of Tinh Luong including the American Casualties". We laughed at it and simultaneously said, "You Lying Bitch". I shooked my head and changed the station to the "FAR EAST NETWORK" or "FEN". The song that was playing was more encouraging and soothing to my ears." 'TYRONE DAVIS' was just starting his rendition of "BABY LET ME CHANGE MY MIND".
This trully made me laugh because I am now on my first month of extension of duty in VIETNAM. It is rather too late for me to change my mind. This song became a part of me. O made sure to have a copy of it at this time. Each time I play it, all the memories of VIETNAM, particularly the'BATTLE AT TINH LUONG' starts flashing in my mind. For the VIETCONG? Well, Good Luck next time" However, unless they will have eyes in the dark, the odds remain same and still, 'THEIR ASSES ARE GRASS'. For EN2 DONALD DAVIS and the crews of PBR 142 and PBR 139? "THEY ARE BEYOND COMPARE". They are the 'DREAM TEAM' that can only be formed inWARTIME. FEAR OF VIETCONG? I honestly doubt that.
I consider it an honor to serve these NAVAL OFFICERS in VIETNAM or in any war that may come. We might be world apart at this present time or we might not be able to see each other in this lifetime, nonetheless in my reveries and dreams they all come to life. These memories will stay with me even in my after life.
Next: "USS Hunderton County (LST-821)..."
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It was a HOT and HUMID day with intermittent rain. This added more inconveniences to our life at My Tho, South Vietnam. The meal for lunch was not the cause for my stomach to churn, but rather, it was the WORDS that was passed around the mess hall. These words were: "RIVER SECTION 532, WILL SEND UNITS INSIDE TINH LUONG RIVER TONIGHT."
This was August 18, 1968.
The villages along the banks of the Tinh Luong River were considered as the Vietcong's SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. These villages were known to be the stomping grounds of the Vietcong's "ZAPPER SQUAD", and due to that, units of other River Sections have been ambushed and suffered heavy casualties in that river. Hence, the mere mention of "Tinh Luong River" caused my stomach to churn, and I felt chills run down my spine.
I was sure that the other PBR crews of River Section 532 felt the same, PARTICULARLY those scheduled for the night patrol. Unfortunately, PBR-142 and PBR-139 WERE SCHEDULED FOR NIGHT PATROL - THAT NIGHT!!!
I went straight to our room. My gunner, GMG2 Dave Meshako was sitting at the edge of his bunk. He looked at me and said "Did you hear it?" I knew EXACTLY what he meant and responded "Yes, I did. Let's hope it WON'T be us. Get some rest. We might need it tonight."
As all the Boat Captains gathered for the "night briefing", all their faces had the look of ANXIETY. That included me. "BIG GEORGE" himself gave the briefing. I'm referring to Lt. GEORGE STEFFENCAVAGE, USN, the "Officer-In-Charge" or "OIC" of River Section 532. He was a BIG man, and wearing the "green fatigue" uniform, he was like a "G.I. Joe" character come to life. Also with him was LT (JG) KEN NELSON, USN who was new to the country, and he would also have his first patrol that night.
Big George's words were FIRM and STRAIGHT. "Tonight, River Section 532 is tasked to go INSIDE TINH LUONG RIVER. Lt. Nelson will ride PBR-139 and I will ride PBR-142. Inside Tinh Luong River , the REST of the unit will PATROL their respective areas. Be on standby. Are there ANY questions?"
Only sighs of RELIEF from the other b Boat Captains broke the silence. With this, Big George confirmed "If there's none, then LET'S GO."
EN2 Davis looked at me and said "Let's go, Huk." I gave him a nod and said "I'll make sure my 'first aid box' has enough painkillers (MORPHINE). We might need it tonight." Honestly, I couldn't explain WHAT I was feeling that night. I would be a HYPOCRITE to say that FEAR was not a part of it. The previous reports of an AMBUSH and casuaties, as well as scenarios of what COULD possibly happen at Tinh Luong River started flashing in my mind. NERVOUS? OF COURSE I WAS!!!
The twenty (20) minutes drive to the boat pool gave me enough time to put myself in the proper state of mind, place everything in perspective. I said to myself "George, you have SURVIVED all the FIREFIGHTS during the TET OFFENSIVE, BENTRE RIVER QUI NHON BAY and all the other corners of the MEKONG. Tinh Luong is JUST ANOTHER RIVER. Trust your instincts, and DON'T HESITATE. Your 'GUARDIAN ANGEL' will be there to guide you."
That moment of reverie was broken by "Okay, we're HERE." by the driver. At the boat pool, the mere presence of LT. George Steffencavage was enough for my crew to know that it was into Tinh Luong River we will go. A proper SALUTE was given by my crew as "Big George" stepped aboard PBR-142. Once on board, I placed my 'first aid box' on the deck, in front of the HELM (steering wheel). This is what I always STAND on to have a clear view.
As the lines were 'cast-off' I swung my boat around the boat pool's pier, and steered PBR-142 in a WESTERNLY direction, following the dimming rays of the setting sun. As darkness started to loom, I looked upwards and observed the formation of the DARK CLOUDS spreading across the Vietnam Sky. With this, feelings of encouragement started to creep into my veins, anabling my SENSES to be as keen as a CAT in the dark. This would be a MOONLESS night and this only showed that the weather was starting to turn the odds in our favor. My confidence became stronger knowing that my 'GUARDIAN ANGEL' was already somewhere in Tinh Luong River to make sure that everything would be alright.
The initial hours were spent doing what a regular night patrol does: drifting and 'speed run' along the banks. The sun had already set, hence my concern was NOT the RIVER TRAFFIC, but rather the 'watchful eyes' of the SNIPER(S) that were well hidden and camouflaged somewhere along the river bank. With this in mind, I was careful not to make any patterns that could give away indication of our plan to enter the Tinh Luong River. LT. STEFFENCAVAGE was calm and casual. He never interfered in the way I was handling my boat. I admired and respected him more for that.
At 23oo hours, "Big George" sent a coded message for PBR-139 to come alongside. Within minutes, PBR-139 was alongside. "Big George" gave us the final 'rundown' of his plan to enter the Tinh Luong. There were some questions asked, but we were all assured. When all the details were clearly understood by everyone, "Big George's" last words were "OK, let's GO, and good luck."
At that moment I looked up and observed the moon as it hid behind the darkened clouds. I knew that this was the signal to make our move towards the river's entrance and start this GAME of "Cat and Mouse". I often dream about this particular moment, and I can still vividly recollect this event in my thoughts.
As PBR-142 made her way inside the Tinh Luong River, PBR-139 remained momentarily at the mouth with her engines on idle. As planned, the sound of her engines would be the "RUSE" to confuse the Vietcong as to WHERE the PBRs supposed whereabouts. And to be in tune with this, I placed my engines on SLOW SPEED. I used my radar INTERMITTENTLY, just enough to see and interpret all the "dots and blips" on the screen.
LT. STEFFENCAVAGE was standing on the engine cover, keeping an eye for SLIGHT MOVEMENTS on the banks on BOTH sides of the river. PBR-142 was approximately 50 meters inside the Tinh Luong when I checked my radar screen again.
On the screen were three (3) "DOTS" that where NOT THERE BEFORE. These "dots" were in an "inverted V" position and approximately fifty (50) meters from us. I quickly put the engines on IDLE and told my FORWARD GUNNER, "Dave, I have CONTACTS DEAD AHEAD. Check it out."
Big George hurriedly stepped inside the cockpit and checked the "dots" himself. By this time, my forward gunner looked through the STARLIGHT and said "They're just FISH STAKES". I goosed the engines back to SLOW SPEED, without taking my eyes away from the radar screen.
But my "gut feeling" was telling me OTHERWISE. I again placed the engines on idle and told my forward gunner "Dave, look AGAIN". Those three (3) dots were now within 25 meters from us, and still maintaining an inverted V formation. SILHOUETTES were now slowly taking form when my gunner yelled "VIETCONG!!!"
There were AT LEAST ten (10) hostiles on each sampan. I ordered "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!!!" and all HELL BROKE LOOSE!!!
With one (1) enemy boat AHEAD and one (1) on EACH SIDE, I knew that my initial manuevers would be CRUCIAL. My "gut feeling" overwhelmed me and dictated my actions. I goosed both engines on FULL SPEED and headed STRAIGHT towards the ENEMY BOATS on my STARBOARD, then swung LEFT TO PORT towards the boat ahead and to my port.
The "WAKE" that my boat, PBR-142, made on FULL SPEED, combined with the SUDDEN TURN to port caused the enemy's boats to ROLL, thus they were UNABLE to HOLD STEADY and negated any clear line of fire. Meanwhile, Big George and my crew were busy firing our guns! Our aim was STEADY and DEADLY, causing fear and death to the enemy. As I side-swiped the THIRD boat on my starboard, PBR-139 with LT. Ken Nelson was already taking on and firing at the other two (2) boats left on my flank. The PROXIMITY of the firefight was SO CLOSE that you could hear the MOANS of dying enemies when they were hit by the rounds of our .50-Cal guns.
Flare after flare were popped, making the battle scene lit like the 4th of July. PBR-142 and PBR-139 kept RUNNING and FIRING in circles until ALL the sampans were empty. What was left of the enemies PANICKED and jumped into the river. Now I knew that the Vietcong WEREN'T SO TOUGH after all! They couldn't even defend or hold their own turf.
Like all of us, they were also AFRAID TO DIE. However, thinking that they would be safe in the water was wrong. DEAD WRONG. I was certain to make sure that their mistake of seeking refuge in the waters of Tinh Luong would be the LAST MISTAKE they would make. As I stated before, I was not an "Ambassador of Good Will", rather, I was here for the kill. Soon, U.S. Army GUNSHIPS were hovering above, and helped illuminate the scene of battle. I could no longer recall HOW MANY gunships there were, but some of them took on the enemies on the banks on both sides of the river. The noise of their ROTOR BLADES were a welcome sound that night.
It was only then that I noticed that battle was OVER. Big George ordered "CEASE FIRE!!! Look for 'SWIMMERS'!!!"
I placed both engines on IDLE and looked around for PBR-139. Seeing her AFLOAT with engines running drew from a huge SIGH OF RELIEF, knowing that my BEST FRIEND, EN2 Davis, and his crew, as well as LT. Ken Nelson were out of harm's way.
I ordered my crew to remain in their "battle stations" and stepped out of the cockpit to make a quick check around my boat. While at the BOW, I accidentally TAPPED the barrels of one of the .50-Cals. They were STILL HOT and caused a slight BURN on the palm of my right hand. On my way to the stern, my AFTER GUNNER pointed at something bobbing up and down iin the water within five (5) ASTERN. My .38-Cal took care of that "SOMETHING", and that "SOMETHING" wasn't bobbing anymore.
To make sure that all the "swimmers" STAYED UNDERWATER, Big George ordered "Okay, throw CONCUSSION GRENADES!!!" And throw we did. When all was clear, and all signs of the enemy erased, Big George called for PBR-139 to come alongside. We made a quick check for damages, and for any casualties on our side. Besides the PAINT SCRAPES, on the starboard side, PBR-142 had NONE. However, PBR-139 had one (1). EN3 JORDAN, BOAT ENGINEER suffered a LACERATION on theSHIN of his RIGHT LEG. After Big George finished his radio conversation with the Army Zone Commander and the Gunships, he turned to us and said "GOOD JOB GUYS. Let's go HOME and call it QUITS for tonight."
By this time the FLARES were getting DIM and the water around us were GLEAMING with BLOOD. As PBR-142 sliced through this "pool of blood", I turned my radar on and said "Thanks for being my EYES in the DARK." As we exited the Tinh Luong River, I turned the helm to port and steered PBR-142 to an easternly heading towards My Tho. I goosed both engines on FULL SPEED and soon we were making headway. I looked astern and looked at the STARS AND STRIPES standing tall and flying as proud as ever. After the boats were properly secured inside the Boat Pool, Big George's PARTING WORDS were " Get a good night's sleep. You're ALL EXCUSED from the morning muster."
As I stepped on the pier, I looked up and saw the MOON peek out from behind the clouds as if GIVING me a SMILE. I returned the smile and said " Thanks for being on MY SIDE tonight."
NEXT: The morning after...
This was August 18, 1968.
The villages along the banks of the Tinh Luong River were considered as the Vietcong's SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. These villages were known to be the stomping grounds of the Vietcong's "ZAPPER SQUAD", and due to that, units of other River Sections have been ambushed and suffered heavy casualties in that river. Hence, the mere mention of "Tinh Luong River" caused my stomach to churn, and I felt chills run down my spine.
I was sure that the other PBR crews of River Section 532 felt the same, PARTICULARLY those scheduled for the night patrol. Unfortunately, PBR-142 and PBR-139 WERE SCHEDULED FOR NIGHT PATROL - THAT NIGHT!!!
I went straight to our room. My gunner, GMG2 Dave Meshako was sitting at the edge of his bunk. He looked at me and said "Did you hear it?" I knew EXACTLY what he meant and responded "Yes, I did. Let's hope it WON'T be us. Get some rest. We might need it tonight."
As all the Boat Captains gathered for the "night briefing", all their faces had the look of ANXIETY. That included me. "BIG GEORGE" himself gave the briefing. I'm referring to Lt. GEORGE STEFFENCAVAGE, USN, the "Officer-In-Charge" or "OIC" of River Section 532. He was a BIG man, and wearing the "green fatigue" uniform, he was like a "G.I. Joe" character come to life. Also with him was LT (JG) KEN NELSON, USN who was new to the country, and he would also have his first patrol that night.
Big George's words were FIRM and STRAIGHT. "Tonight, River Section 532 is tasked to go INSIDE TINH LUONG RIVER. Lt. Nelson will ride PBR-139 and I will ride PBR-142. Inside Tinh Luong River , the REST of the unit will PATROL their respective areas. Be on standby. Are there ANY questions?"
Only sighs of RELIEF from the other b Boat Captains broke the silence. With this, Big George confirmed "If there's none, then LET'S GO."
EN2 Davis looked at me and said "Let's go, Huk." I gave him a nod and said "I'll make sure my 'first aid box' has enough painkillers (MORPHINE). We might need it tonight." Honestly, I couldn't explain WHAT I was feeling that night. I would be a HYPOCRITE to say that FEAR was not a part of it. The previous reports of an AMBUSH and casuaties, as well as scenarios of what COULD possibly happen at Tinh Luong River started flashing in my mind. NERVOUS? OF COURSE I WAS!!!
The twenty (20) minutes drive to the boat pool gave me enough time to put myself in the proper state of mind, place everything in perspective. I said to myself "George, you have SURVIVED all the FIREFIGHTS during the TET OFFENSIVE, BENTRE RIVER QUI NHON BAY and all the other corners of the MEKONG. Tinh Luong is JUST ANOTHER RIVER. Trust your instincts, and DON'T HESITATE. Your 'GUARDIAN ANGEL' will be there to guide you."
That moment of reverie was broken by "Okay, we're HERE." by the driver. At the boat pool, the mere presence of LT. George Steffencavage was enough for my crew to know that it was into Tinh Luong River we will go. A proper SALUTE was given by my crew as "Big George" stepped aboard PBR-142. Once on board, I placed my 'first aid box' on the deck, in front of the HELM (steering wheel). This is what I always STAND on to have a clear view.
As the lines were 'cast-off' I swung my boat around the boat pool's pier, and steered PBR-142 in a WESTERNLY direction, following the dimming rays of the setting sun. As darkness started to loom, I looked upwards and observed the formation of the DARK CLOUDS spreading across the Vietnam Sky. With this, feelings of encouragement started to creep into my veins, anabling my SENSES to be as keen as a CAT in the dark. This would be a MOONLESS night and this only showed that the weather was starting to turn the odds in our favor. My confidence became stronger knowing that my 'GUARDIAN ANGEL' was already somewhere in Tinh Luong River to make sure that everything would be alright.
The initial hours were spent doing what a regular night patrol does: drifting and 'speed run' along the banks. The sun had already set, hence my concern was NOT the RIVER TRAFFIC, but rather the 'watchful eyes' of the SNIPER(S) that were well hidden and camouflaged somewhere along the river bank. With this in mind, I was careful not to make any patterns that could give away indication of our plan to enter the Tinh Luong River. LT. STEFFENCAVAGE was calm and casual. He never interfered in the way I was handling my boat. I admired and respected him more for that.
At 23oo hours, "Big George" sent a coded message for PBR-139 to come alongside. Within minutes, PBR-139 was alongside. "Big George" gave us the final 'rundown' of his plan to enter the Tinh Luong. There were some questions asked, but we were all assured. When all the details were clearly understood by everyone, "Big George's" last words were "OK, let's GO, and good luck."
At that moment I looked up and observed the moon as it hid behind the darkened clouds. I knew that this was the signal to make our move towards the river's entrance and start this GAME of "Cat and Mouse". I often dream about this particular moment, and I can still vividly recollect this event in my thoughts.
As PBR-142 made her way inside the Tinh Luong River, PBR-139 remained momentarily at the mouth with her engines on idle. As planned, the sound of her engines would be the "RUSE" to confuse the Vietcong as to WHERE the PBRs supposed whereabouts. And to be in tune with this, I placed my engines on SLOW SPEED. I used my radar INTERMITTENTLY, just enough to see and interpret all the "dots and blips" on the screen.
LT. STEFFENCAVAGE was standing on the engine cover, keeping an eye for SLIGHT MOVEMENTS on the banks on BOTH sides of the river. PBR-142 was approximately 50 meters inside the Tinh Luong when I checked my radar screen again.
On the screen were three (3) "DOTS" that where NOT THERE BEFORE. These "dots" were in an "inverted V" position and approximately fifty (50) meters from us. I quickly put the engines on IDLE and told my FORWARD GUNNER, "Dave, I have CONTACTS DEAD AHEAD. Check it out."
Big George hurriedly stepped inside the cockpit and checked the "dots" himself. By this time, my forward gunner looked through the STARLIGHT and said "They're just FISH STAKES". I goosed the engines back to SLOW SPEED, without taking my eyes away from the radar screen.
But my "gut feeling" was telling me OTHERWISE. I again placed the engines on idle and told my forward gunner "Dave, look AGAIN". Those three (3) dots were now within 25 meters from us, and still maintaining an inverted V formation. SILHOUETTES were now slowly taking form when my gunner yelled "VIETCONG!!!"
There were AT LEAST ten (10) hostiles on each sampan. I ordered "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!!!" and all HELL BROKE LOOSE!!!
With one (1) enemy boat AHEAD and one (1) on EACH SIDE, I knew that my initial manuevers would be CRUCIAL. My "gut feeling" overwhelmed me and dictated my actions. I goosed both engines on FULL SPEED and headed STRAIGHT towards the ENEMY BOATS on my STARBOARD, then swung LEFT TO PORT towards the boat ahead and to my port.
The "WAKE" that my boat, PBR-142, made on FULL SPEED, combined with the SUDDEN TURN to port caused the enemy's boats to ROLL, thus they were UNABLE to HOLD STEADY and negated any clear line of fire. Meanwhile, Big George and my crew were busy firing our guns! Our aim was STEADY and DEADLY, causing fear and death to the enemy. As I side-swiped the THIRD boat on my starboard, PBR-139 with LT. Ken Nelson was already taking on and firing at the other two (2) boats left on my flank. The PROXIMITY of the firefight was SO CLOSE that you could hear the MOANS of dying enemies when they were hit by the rounds of our .50-Cal guns.
Flare after flare were popped, making the battle scene lit like the 4th of July. PBR-142 and PBR-139 kept RUNNING and FIRING in circles until ALL the sampans were empty. What was left of the enemies PANICKED and jumped into the river. Now I knew that the Vietcong WEREN'T SO TOUGH after all! They couldn't even defend or hold their own turf.
Like all of us, they were also AFRAID TO DIE. However, thinking that they would be safe in the water was wrong. DEAD WRONG. I was certain to make sure that their mistake of seeking refuge in the waters of Tinh Luong would be the LAST MISTAKE they would make. As I stated before, I was not an "Ambassador of Good Will", rather, I was here for the kill. Soon, U.S. Army GUNSHIPS were hovering above, and helped illuminate the scene of battle. I could no longer recall HOW MANY gunships there were, but some of them took on the enemies on the banks on both sides of the river. The noise of their ROTOR BLADES were a welcome sound that night.
It was only then that I noticed that battle was OVER. Big George ordered "CEASE FIRE!!! Look for 'SWIMMERS'!!!"
I placed both engines on IDLE and looked around for PBR-139. Seeing her AFLOAT with engines running drew from a huge SIGH OF RELIEF, knowing that my BEST FRIEND, EN2 Davis, and his crew, as well as LT. Ken Nelson were out of harm's way.
I ordered my crew to remain in their "battle stations" and stepped out of the cockpit to make a quick check around my boat. While at the BOW, I accidentally TAPPED the barrels of one of the .50-Cals. They were STILL HOT and caused a slight BURN on the palm of my right hand. On my way to the stern, my AFTER GUNNER pointed at something bobbing up and down iin the water within five (5) ASTERN. My .38-Cal took care of that "SOMETHING", and that "SOMETHING" wasn't bobbing anymore.
To make sure that all the "swimmers" STAYED UNDERWATER, Big George ordered "Okay, throw CONCUSSION GRENADES!!!" And throw we did. When all was clear, and all signs of the enemy erased, Big George called for PBR-139 to come alongside. We made a quick check for damages, and for any casualties on our side. Besides the PAINT SCRAPES, on the starboard side, PBR-142 had NONE. However, PBR-139 had one (1). EN3 JORDAN, BOAT ENGINEER suffered a LACERATION on theSHIN of his RIGHT LEG. After Big George finished his radio conversation with the Army Zone Commander and the Gunships, he turned to us and said "GOOD JOB GUYS. Let's go HOME and call it QUITS for tonight."
By this time the FLARES were getting DIM and the water around us were GLEAMING with BLOOD. As PBR-142 sliced through this "pool of blood", I turned my radar on and said "Thanks for being my EYES in the DARK." As we exited the Tinh Luong River, I turned the helm to port and steered PBR-142 to an easternly heading towards My Tho. I goosed both engines on FULL SPEED and soon we were making headway. I looked astern and looked at the STARS AND STRIPES standing tall and flying as proud as ever. After the boats were properly secured inside the Boat Pool, Big George's PARTING WORDS were " Get a good night's sleep. You're ALL EXCUSED from the morning muster."
As I stepped on the pier, I looked up and saw the MOON peek out from behind the clouds as if GIVING me a SMILE. I returned the smile and said " Thanks for being on MY SIDE tonight."
NEXT: The morning after...
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