Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The COMICAL side of WAR

The word "WAR" is a connotation of KILLINGS, DEVASTATION, VIOLATION of HUMAN RIGHTS, SADNESS and pretty much anything that causes fear and anxiety in the human heart and mind. So far, nothing GOOD can be said about War. However, War has ANOTHER side to it - the COMICAL or FUNNY side.

The stories or the theme of War is often set on life and death situations, however, for SOME UNEXPLAINABLE REASON or twists of events, these life or death situations become as COMICAL and AS FUNNY as it can be. Needless to say, these events are caused by UNITENTIONAL doings or UNCONTOLLABLE human reflexes.

Anxiety, fear and panic often play games with the human mind, and when these emotions set in, action and reasoning CONFLICT with each other. I am fortunate that in my early days in War, I was able to set it's precedence. That is - ACTION takes precedence over REASON. My mind and body became IN SYNCH and I made DAMN SURE that it stayed that way. I'd already seen so many dead bodies and I am truly sorry for them, for THEY NO LONGER HAVE A STORY TO TELL.

The names to be mentioned in these FUNNY STORIES are REAL. I have no intention to DEMEAN nor cause any sort of EMBARASSMENT to these persons or their families. These events and situations were part of my life in Vietnam, and these persons are truly a part of it. These persons are members of the RIVER RATS and I have the utmost respect to each and every one of them.

All of us shared these SAME STORIES with LAUGHTER, and I hope that the SPIRIT is still within them, and that they experience the same FUN and LAUGHTER upon reading these stories. Here they are...

NEXT: Fire-FIGHT...or Fire-FLIES?!

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